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    A Deconstructionist Critique of Christian Transformational Leadership
    (South African Theological Seminary, 2009) Scarborough, Thomas Oliver; Atterbury, Vincent E.
    Christian Transformational Leadership is a popular leadership model whereby the Christian leader, most simply, seeks to influence (or transform) followers on the basis of his or her character and vision. This mini-thesis uses the deconstructionist method to critique this model. That is, it seeks to highlight “absence” and “difference” in Christian Transformational Leadership texts, to determine whether the model reveals significant omissions, or is “at variance with itself”. First the exegesis in the texts is deconstructed, then the concepts which lie at the heart of the model are deconstructed. This reveals a diminished role for God, and exaggerated human responsibility, which together lead to the expe- rience of extraordinary strain by the Christian transformational leader. Finally, a synthesis is sought between the deconstructionist critique and the “conscious intentions” of the authors. This proposes a more rounded understanding of Christian Transformational Leadership.
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    How Might Leaders Mentor Emerging Adults with a Specific Focus on Identity Formation
    (Johannesburg South African Theological Seminary) von Mollendorff, Andre
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    PBL in der theologischen Ausbildung
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, 2022) Scheffler, Wolfgang 1963; Shirrmacher, Thomas; Shirrmacher, Thomas
    The present thesis deals with the question of "Problem Based Learning" as an option for professional theological education. Besides the purely academic question of theological education, there is a need for well-trained church leaders on an academic level. Not everyone has the opportunity of leaving his job for theological education. And sometimes a clear connection between theological education and pastoral practice in the church community is missing. Therefore, Problem Based Learning seems to be a solution. After a brief introduction to the principle of Problem Based Learning and its main tools, there will be a reflection on this method from the methodological, didactical, and educational perspectives. This happens to clarify how far this method can keep its promises. Because Problem Based Learning based on the theory of Constructivism that is contradicting the Christian understanding of truth, there will be a theological reflection as well. The thesis ends with a draft of an adaption of this method to theological education in the context of current needs.
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    Formação de Liderança Pastoral: Uma análise da Igreja Evangélica Holiness do Brasil
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg) Yahiro, Roberto Shinze 1968; Barro, Antônio C.
    A contextualized pastoral leadership is based on understanding the reality in which it is present and adapting the leadership in a practical way to meet the local-temporal reality. There is a need to seek a multidisciplinary ministerial vision and updated missional biblical interpretation. In the postmodern world, the formation of a pastoral leadership has very distinct needs from the beginning of the ministry of the CIEHB. The challenge, however, is not to lose the essence and, at the same time, to be relevant today. Thus, in a liquid society that is marked by the fluidity of social relations, the demand for training to influence and mobilize the skills of those being led is great. And, with great humility, pastoral leadership must foster the growth of members of their communities. The effective leader does not need to have all the answers, but that, in ministerial partnerships, one can motivate his collaborators to seek for answers to reach his goal of speaking and living the gospel to its fullest. In this sense, the ministry of the apostle Peter will be studied as a proposal for training and transforming pastoral practice in its context. Having theological knowledge without practice becomes sterile, on the other hand, practice without theological basis becomes dangerous and does not produce good fruit. In this work, a historical study was carried out of the implantation of the CIEHB in Brazilian soil, nuances of theological formation, struggles faced by being an ethnic church, some reports about the laity who were and are part of the pastoral ministry. It also dealt with the importance of pedagogy in the formation of the pastoral leadership of the CIEHB. Paulo Freire addresses the pedagogy of context and generating words, leading to the autonomy of human beings in their actions. Peter has its relevance for the history of engagement and overcoming, a simple man, but he became the leader of the first century Christians, so the apostle Peter can be seen as a model of pastoral leadership for the present day Holiness church. Peter still leaves the legacy in his epistles, writing to the dispersed pilgrims on a strange land. Finally, interviews were conducted using questionnaires and approaches from the researcher to the ministers of the CIEHB in order to deepen, understand and perceive paths for a direction of formation and support of the pastoral leadership of the Holiness Church of Brazil. Thus, a curriculum of pastoral leadership ministerial update and formation was proposed so that the CIEHB can understand the context in which it operates and how it can meet current needs more effectively.
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    El Perfil Teológico De La Formación Del Liderazgo Pastoralde las Asambleas De Dios En Guatemala: Un Análisis Relacionado Al Plan Básico De Educación Cristianaen Elinstituto Bíblico Central
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg) Escobar, Jorge López 1980; Van Engen, Charles E.
    No abstract provided
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    Toward Transformational Leadership Development in the Local Church: A Synthesis of Insights from Instructional Design, Adult Learning Theory, the New Testament, and Organizational Research
    (South African Theological Seminary) Watson, Elbert Elliott; Smith, Kevin G.; Brewer, Monroe
    In recent years, the concept of church-based leadership training has gained momentum in various parts of the world, including South Africa. The emergence of new leader-intensive ministry models such as the cell church, along with the costs, complexities, and contextual issues associated with theological studies at an established tertiary institution, has motivated many churches to explore alternatives to traditional leadership training methods. Among these is church-based leadership training. Though the local church would seem to be an ideal environment for the development of leaders, many church-based training efforts rely primarily upon traditional ‘schooling’ approaches to develop leaders, with less than transformational results. In an effort to assist South African churches to create their own transformational approaches to leadership development, this project researched theoretical perspectives and practices in instructional design and adult learning, leadership development in the New Testament, and contemporary models and ‘best practices’ in both church-based and organizational leader development, all with a view toward the identification of elements fundamental to the design of transformational church-based leadership development strategies and the creation of a set of ‘recommended practices’ to guide church leaders in the design process. Findings from the various areas of research yielded surprisingly consistent results, giving credence to the leadership development approaches utilized by the Lord Jesus and the apostle Paul. A synthesis of the research identified at least seven elements that contribute significantly toward the transformational development of ministry leaders in the local church. This, combined with specific insights gleaned from the various fields, engendered the formulation of a set of recommended practices, supplemented by a systematic design guide, providing local churches with a research-backed approach to the design of their own transformational processes of leadership development.
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    Discursos Religiososyviolencia De Género En El Liderazgo Evangélicode Buenos Airesestudiode Casos
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg) Saracco, Analia Verónica 1980-; Roldán, David A.; Roldán, David A.
    El tema central de esta investigación es el predominio del discurso patriarcal y machista en elliderazgo delas iglesias evangélicas de Buenos Airescomo posible facilitador de violencia degénero. Se propone analizarel discurso de dos congregaciones de la ciudad de Buenos Aires para luego reflexionar sobre los mismosy elaborar estrategias específicas de prevenciónen violencia de género basadas principal menteen relaciones igualitarias. En primer término, se mencionan las nociones básicas de la problemática de la violencia, considerando su significado y las diferentes categorías. Asimismo, se describe brevementela historia del feminismo en Argentina, lo cual permite entender como fue evolucionando el roldela mujer a lolargo de los años. En segundo término, se describe el marco histórico generalde as iglesias estudiadasdesde sus orígenesa la actualidad. Se las caracterizateniendo en cuenta susparticularidades litúrgicas, organización y formade gobierno. Poder conocer sus orígenesfacilita la compresión de su presente. En tercer término, para lograr entender el machismo propio que se puedepercibiren las iglesias evangélicas, serealiza unamirada retrospectiva a los tiempos del Antiguo y del Nuevo Testamento. Se describe el lugar dela mujer a lolargodela Biblia, y luego de manera concreta se desarrolla el rol que tenía en el Antiguo Testamento teniendo presente la cultura patriarcal en la quese encontraba inmersa. Se intenta resaltarla esfera de influencia que tuvieron algunas mujeres que menciona la Bibliaa pesar delcontexto. Luego, se expone la relación contracultural que tuvo Jesús con las mujeres, tratándolas con amor, respeto, reconociendo su dignidad, y en un planode igualdad. En cuarto término, se indaga sobre la existencia de la violencia de género enlas familias cristianas yel rol de las Iglesias evangélicas como facilitadoras de la misma través de su lenguaje, predicaciones, accionesy omisiones. Se exponen las entrevistas realizadas tanto al liderazgo de las congregaciones estudiadas, como así tambiénaotras personas que forman parte dela comunidad de fe. Se indaga acercadel conocimiento de esta problemáticay la manera en que esabordada. Luego se estudiancasos concretosde las congregaciones que son objeto de esta investigación. En quinto término, se desarrollan las nociones generales de la prevención y se categoriza lasmismas. Se explica la necesidad de unaredefinición y capacitación en materia degénero en las iglesias yse elabora un plan de acción teniendo en cuenta lasparticularidades de las congregaciones estudiadas. Se brindan herramientas concretas parala prevención y el acompañamientoa las víctimasde la violencia de género en las comunidades de fe. Por último, dentro de este capítulo se aborda el tema de las nuevas masculinidades como parte de las estrategias de prevención. Hemos llegadoa la conclusion que el liderazgode las comunidades de fe ejerce influencia mediante el discurso que transmite, con sus enseñanzas y también con su manerade actuar en quienes forman parte de esa comunidad. En la congregación conformada a partir de la repetición del patron patriarchal y con un discurso machista, se pone a la mujer en un plano de desigualdad con respecto al varóny se naturaliza la violencia simbólica sobre ellas. Se establecen relaciones desiguales y se normalizan conductas que constituyen formas decontrol, dominación y sujeción queson funcionales a la violencia. Porel contrario, en la comunidad defe en donde se promueve un discurso equitativo entre varones y mujeres las relaciones se desarrollan en un plano de igualdad y amor fraternal. A partir delatesis, hemos elaborado propuestas paraque las iglesias evangélicas sean un lugar de acogida y paz caracterizado por el amor fraternal y relaciones igualitariasentrecada una de las personas que la conforman.
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    Leadership Styles and Personality Types
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, South Africa) Pretorius, Wayne; Atterbury, Vincent E.; Atterbury, Vincent E.
    Leadership is a common phenomenon on every level of life, even the church. Scholars regard leadership in the church as the most important aspect of church functionality.Some are of the opinion that church leadership became the decisive factor in determining the effectiveness of a church and the single most contributing factor that allows a church to develop its full potential. The purpose of this research is to investigate the possibility whether there is a correlation between a church leader‘s Personality type and his or her Leadership style. Each phase of the research represents a partial and independent unit, which in cohesion with the other units of this research contributes to the final research result.A literature study as well as an empirical research was done. The empirical research consisted out of semi-structured interviews as well as two surveys, the Malphurs Leadership Style Inventory and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.This research indicates that Pentecostal church leaders are of the opinion that a church leader‘s personality type does have a significant influence on a church leader‘s leadership style. This research also indicates that Pentecostal church leaders are of the opinion, based on their personal experience, that the work of the Holy Spirit in and through them, more than anything else has a significant influence on a Pentecostal church leaders leadership style and the ability to adapt their leadership style according to the challenges of the situation in which they have to lead.
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    El liderazgo de los Adolescentes Entre los Doce y Diecisiete Años de Edad en el Desarrollo de Proyectos Sociales Cristianos
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, South Africa) Cabezas, Alexander Mora; McIntosh, Timothy
    Esta investigación pretende evaluar las principales funciones, características y capacidades del liderazgo en las personas menores de edad con otros menores. Explícitamente la propuesta abarcará a los adolescentes de doce a los diecisiete años. A estas personas en estos rangos de edad, según el Estado Mundial de la Infancia (2011), se les categoriza como de la primera y segunda adolescencia.Para ello, se realizará una investigación cualitativa que incluye el análisis de una dinámica de trabajo en un equipo de adolescentes quienes sirven en una comunidad urbano marginal, y están desarrollando un programa comunitario. Esta intervención se realizará gracias a la organización cristiana llamada, FundaVida en San José, Costa Rica.Palabras claves: Adolescentes, liderazgo, participación y protagonismo.
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