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    El trabajo en Equipo en las Iglesias a las que Pertenecen los Estudiantes de la Carrera de Ministerio Pastoral de USEL del 2018
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg) Vergara Ascue, Albaro Alejandro 1972; Pike, Gordon
    La investigación utilizó el método cualitativo por medio de entrevistas focales con el propósito de saber si en las iglesias de los alumnos de USEL saben trabajar en equipo y en qué áreas son en las que tienen mayores dificultades. El estudio usó del desarrollo de equipos de Tuckman (1965) y de las disfunciones de Lencioni (2013) para luego compararlos con lo que dice en las Escrituras para poder preparar las categorías usadas para lainvestigación. Con este estudiose logró exponer algunas características particulares que hacen que el trabajo en equipo en las iglesias se distinga de otras organizaciones y de aquellas áreas en las que se debe prestar mayor atención.
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    Visiting the seriously III and the dying: A Manual
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg) Taubmann, Stefan 1972-; von Krosigk, Sabine
    The diagnosis of a serious illness initially sits like a deep shock. The whole life is turned upside down from one moment to the next. A stable social network is crucial for a successful survival with the limitations and new challenges. Unfortunately, however, in the immediate environment of the sick person, the involvement often has a paralyzing effect. There are fears of doing something wrong, of not knowing which words are appropriate or of being confronted with unavoidable questions. Those who have never dealt with illness and death themselves before are suddenly confronted with their own finiteness. Out of concern to make any mistakes or to appear obtrusive, the environment withdraws rather. Through my experience I would like to encourage fellow Christians to get involved in such difficult situations. I am convinced that visiting and accompanying seriously ill and dying people is a Christian-Biblical mission. Since the subject of death and dying has long been taboo, most people have great fear of contact and little experience. With a clear and comprehensible manual, I would like to facilitate access, dismantle barriers and open doors. The work consists of two large blocks in which the contact with seriously ill and dying people is illuminated from different perspectives. For the character of a manual, the first main part of the work deals with practical handouts. The second and theoretical part of the work deals with the fundamental question of the Christian mission to the sick and dying. How did Jesus deal with the sick in his time? How are age, dying and farewell addressed? What do the wisdom literature and especially the psalms say about the expectations and desires of the suffering? The biblical findings are combined with a brief examination of the history of the church. The review of the development of diakonia shows how much the Christian congregation has taken up this task in its history.
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    La Trata Depersonas Y La Esclavitud Sexual Enespaña: Un Acercamiento Pastoral Y Teológicoen Las Iglesias De La Federación De Asambleas De Dios De España (FADE)
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg) Muñoz de Morales Mohedano, Esteban 1966-; Saracco, Norberto
    Para una gran parte de la sociedad ypara un sector importante de la Iglesia, el fenómeno de la esclavitud sexual simplemente no existe, se hace invisible. Esta investigación aborda la importancia de una acción eclesiológica hacia las victimas de trata de seres humanos (VTSH) con una necesaria reflexión teológica. Pero en primer lugar se muestra la realidad social de la trata en España, con las diferentes leyes nacionales e internacionalesque le afecta, incluido el protocolo de Palermo. Se ha realizado una exploración entre los proyectos de las iglesias de Asambleas de Dios de España, dedicados a las personas víctimas de trata, para fortalecer el vínculo inseparable de una acción social y eclesial, que deben ir necesariamente unida. Esta investigación sociológica ha contribuido en la aportación de una propuesta de protocolo, para la actuación pastoral hacia las VTSH.
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    A Pastoral Theology of Widowhood for the Word of Life Baptist Church in Mutale, Limpopo, South Africa
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg) Nenzhelele, Livhuwani Gladys 1967-; Mzondi, Modisa; Mzondi, Modisa
    Widows in the Bible were frequently placed alongside similar people in need such as the stranger and the fatherless (e.g., Exodus 22:21–22; Deuteronomy 24:17–21). As we all know, we live in a fallen world where death destroys earthly friendships and relationships. The ministry of the present-day church is limiting its impact because it does not see widows as God sees them. This is why this study is important. This study is an examination of widows in the local church which reveals a growing percentage of widows in many churches today. It signifies a significant ministry need for widows in the church. Some widows sitting in churches, are not only suffering the grief and loneliness from their loss. Some have also lost their only income and sometimes feel neglected or a burden to others. It is a biblical mandate and it is imperative that the church, pastors, and counsellors take heed to the biblical command of ministering to the comfortlessness and insecurity many widows are facing in their churches. The objective of this study is to establish a biblical paradigm that would enable the researcher to propose pastoral theological strategies to assist the Word of Life Baptist Church (WOLBC) in Mutale, Limpopo, South Africa to care for its widows during and after the burial practices. The outcome of a small-scale research and the discussion on the following Scriptures helped the researcher to design contextualised strategies for caring for the widows of the WOLBC. The following Scriptures formed the core of the study: Exodus 22:22–23; Deuteronomy 10:18, 14:29, 27:19; Psalm 68:5, 146:9; Luke 2:36–37; and 1 Timothy 5:1–14. The findings from this study should encourage and promote a strong ministry for the widows in local churches. The work and motivation to establish ministries for widows, is at the discretion of the pastors of the churches. The pastoral theological strategies to care for the widows of the WOLBC were informed by Masenya’s concept of Bosadi (Womanhood) and Oduyoye’s understanding of African Womanhood. The strategies covered the Biblical basis for designing such strategies, establishing a WOLBC benevolence team to focus on the task of caring for these widows and suggesting ways to implement the strategies in the ten branches of the WOLBC.
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    A Pastoral Strategy for Dealing with Homosexuality in the Church of the Nazarene’s Sotho-speaking Congregations in the Limpopo Province, South Africa
    (South African Theological Seminary) Mashile, Hendry; Light, Vernon E.
    The motivation forthis study stemmed from the challenge evangelicals face on how to deal with the phenomenon of homosexuality. Traditionally, homosexuality has been viewed by Christians as sinful. In light of the aggressive advocacy for the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer(LGBTIQ) agenda in South Africaand globally and legalization of homosexual ‘marriage,’ I felt that there was a need for the Church of the Nazarene (COTN) in Limpopo Province (South Africa) among the Sotho-speaking congregations to review its teachings and doctrinal statement regarding its stance on homosexuality,and, if necessary, seek a new operative theology regarding homosexuality in their context. The primary objective of this study therefore is to develop a biblically and theologicallyinformed strategic plan to ensure that the COTN’s praxis regarding homosexuality is biblicallyfaithful to the supremacy and teachingof the Scripturesand relevant to the Church’sministry among the Sotho-speaking people in Limpopo. This primary objective is achieved as follows: (i) interpretingthe operative theology of the COTN Sotho-speaking congregations in Limpopo Province with respect to homosexuality, especially in relation to COTN’s covenant of Christian conduct as expressedin its Doctrinal Statement; (ii) determiningand defending what a faithful operative theology would look like for them with respect to homosexuality; and (iii)developinga strategicplan to achieve and sustain this biblically-faithful operativetheology. A small-scale empirical study using both qualitative and quantitative methods was undertaken among a number of COTN’s Sotho-speaking congregations. Itculminates in the interpretation of COTN’s current praxis in relation to the homosexuality phenomenon and COTN’s beliefs and the local and South African contextsof these congregations. The conclusions from a discussion of homosexuality from biblical, historical and systematic theologyperspectives show that there isconsistencyand coherence between the Old Testament and New Testament regarding homosexuality, namely, that there is historical continuity of universal condemnation of homosexual practice. 5Finally, a strategic plan is formulated to effectively communicate and gain acceptance of the new proposed operative theology with regards to homosexualityand homosexuals among the COTN Sotho-speaking congregations in Limpopo Province.
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    Towards a Christian Pastoral Approach to Cambodian Culture
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, South Africa) Ravasco, Gerard; Domeris, William R.; Domeris, William R.
    No Abstract
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    Endure Hardship: Suffering in the Ministry, Expectations of Pastoral Trainees in the Reformed Evangelical Anglican Church of South Africa
    (South African Theological Seminary) Gertzen, Geoffrey; Lessing, Pelham
    Many pastors do not complete a lifetime of ministry. This research seeks to contribute to the discussion that exists around the reasons for this phenomenon. It attempted to understand the disconnect that exists between the New Testament’s emphasis on suffering and its place in the thinking, attitudes and expectations of pastoral trainees and trainers in the Reformed Evangelical Anglican Church of South Africa (REACH-SA).The research began with a theological reflection on the place of suffering in the teaching of Jesus and the thought of the New Testament writers. Suffering was found to permeate the New Testament understanding of the Christian life and especially the task of pastoral ministry. Suffering is built into the call of discipleship and culminates in the Pauline charge to Timothy to endure hardship.The research then reviewed the literature that seeks to understand the problem of pastors leaving ministry. The factors that predominate are summarised under the four headings of faith, character, conflict and expectations. Amongst the expectations of pastors is their own personal theodicy –their expectations with respect to evil and suffering.The literature was reviewed on the problem of suffering,focusing in on the suffering that is experienced by Christians as Christians. The research then completed an analys is of the present situation,seeking to understand the expectations and attitudes that are prevalent in the current trainees for gospel ministry within REACH-SA who are trained at George Whitefield College situated in Cape Town,South Africa. The research also surveyed the experience of suffering as well as the attitudes towards suffering present in the faculty at GWC. The research found that students had a significant expectation of suffering but over-emphasised their own ability to endure it.Students were also found to have financial expectations that differed significantly from the present reality within REACH-SA. The faculty were found to have some experience of suffering and an understanding that suffering is a significant Biblical theme but they did not to teach extensively on this theme. Finally, some practical suggestions and strategic action are proposed to improve the present situation in order to better prepare trainees to endure hardship.
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    The role of the Assemblies of God Movement in Zululand District in Addressing Needs and Concerns of Pastors’ Widows
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, South Africa) Mavuso, Langalibalele Moses; Lessing, Pelham
    This mini-thesis investigates the ministry of the Assemblies of God Movement Kwazulu-Natal (AOGM-KZN) towards pastor’s widows and their dependents.The aim of the study is to establish the current situation as it relates to pastor’s widows and following a biblical survey though focusing on particular passages of Scripture makes recommendations how the ministry to widows could possibly be improved. The mini-thesis reveals that the AOGM-KZN has some ministry in place mainly in the form of an allowance that is paid towards pastor’s widows. However, through its empirical component and theological and biblical reflection, the evidence points to the fact that the AOGM-KZN falls greatly short in terms of the Scriptural norm regarding the multi-layered form of this ministry. However, there are mitigating circumstances that prevents them from performing better. The mini-thesis made use of the LIM Model, an accepted and clearly defined research methodology. To this end the study used semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions and archival records, as well as a survey of the Bible on the topic to ensure the trustworthiness and reliability of the study. The mini-thesis when interpreting and analysing the data in addition to using Scripture as its highest authority, which illuminates the biblical norm loosely used Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need Model in proposing a more holistic and inclusive approach of ministry to widows.The mini-thesis found that a lot of work lies ahead for the AOGM-KZN in living up to the scriptural ideal,this is no easy task but if the principles and reasonableness proposed in this study are followed the Movement would certainly improve on its current practice
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    Pastoral Care in a Clinical Setting: The Role Hospital Chaplaincy Plays as Part of a Broader Medical Team
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, South Africa) Atherstone, Devin; Jabini, Franklin
    The research discusses the manner in how hospital chaplains can form part of a broader medical team, in two medical institutes in Somerset West, Western Cape. A total of 120 patient questionnaires were completed in both government and private sectors. The questions targeted all aspects of the hospital stay, emotional and spiritual facets. A medical staff questionnaire was designed to discover the mindset of the medical professional regarding the need for spiritual care in hospitals. This information laid the foundation as to the philosophy of hospitals towards chaplain ministry. A detailed analysis of the professional chaplain was researched. This demonstrated the competency levels of qualified chaplains and the value that they offer patients and staff alike. Through recent research, evidence was presented to substantiate the need for a soul care professional as medical staff often negates (for obvious reasons) the emotional and spiritual needs of patients. A biblical exploration was undertook, seeking to identify what pastoral care is. Biblical images and motivation for effective scriptural counsel was examined to determine guidelines and principles for hospital visitation. Further recommendation was made as to explore the crucial role that the local church plays regarding the necessity of visiting the ill.
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