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    Church Migration: an Investigation at God First City Church
    (South African Seminary Press Johannesburg, South Africa) Cloete, Francis; Atterbury, Vincent E.
    The quantitative research looks at reasons for church migration amongst respondents recruited from God First City Church, Johannesburg.(GFCC), recording the push factors that caused respondents to leave their congregation of origin and identifying the pull factors that drew them to their destination congregation. Thequantitative research also looks at respondents’ understandingofthe essence of the church.An attempt is then made to determine whether their reasons for church migration are related to their understanding of the essence of the church.To add to a better understanding of the quantitative research question this report also draws on the integrated master course done by the author on the essence of the church as seen through thelens of Pauline theology, and on the historical nature of the church as seen through the views of the church fathers,until the Great Reformation of 1564. The quantitative research findings reveal the predominant reasons for respondents to move from their “congregationof origin”to GFCC(pull factors), to beleadership, worship and preaching. The “push” factorsthat caused respondents to leave their “congregation of origin“ are the same as the pull factors that drew them to GFCC.Strong agreement was found between how respondents understand the essence of the church today and how it was described in Pauline theology and by the historical church.Recommendations based on these findings have been made to the leadership of GFCCto take into consideration for further growth and development of their community
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    Placing the poor within the current [prophetic] ministry of the Pentecostal Assemblies of God of Zambia (PAOG (Z)) pastors
    (South African Theological Seminary Johanessburg) Mumba, Gabriel; Mzondi, Modisa; Mzondi, Modisa
    ABSTRACT The Pentecostal church in Zambia is steadily losing its understanding of the “prophetic ministry” as hundreds of prophets have surfaced and misplaced the “prophetic ministry” leaving the Pentecostal church in a limbo,as there is no correlation to the Early Church “prophetic ministry”. The Pentecostal Assemblies of God Zambia (PAOG (Z)) pastors have been affected by the emergence of Christian prophets who have no role model to look to for guidance to effectively address the plight of the poor under the New Covenant. Pastors are enticed bythe lure of wealth, power and prestige;they forsake their biblical understanding of “prophetic ministry” under the New Covenantand set out on a self-pleasure-seeking, materialistic expedition. In the end, they practice an unbalanced “prophetic ministry”(with no spiritual and social action) which is not informed by the practice of the Early Church.Still the question of how the pastors in the PAOG (Z) should place the poor within their “Prophetic ministry” under the New Covenant needs attention? For this reason,this thesis demonstrates that the “prophetic ministry” of the Early Church towards the poor as understood in Acts 11:19-30; II Corinthians 8:1-9:15; Romans 15:23-28 and Galatians 2:10 can stir pastors within the PAOG (Z) to consider a balanced “prophetic ministry” under the New Covenant essential to the ministry within the socio-economic and religious contexts of Zambia
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    Espiritualidad en el Neopentecostalismocaso Bajo Estudio: Iglesia Emanuel de Villa Ballester (Union de las Asambleas de Dios)
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, South Africa) Moretto Jose; Roldán, David A.; Roldán, David A.
    El tema central que nos permite el desarrollo de este trabajo es la espiritualidad encontrada en la palabra de Dios, el problema fundamental que procuramos resolver es el de ofrecer una alternativa saludable y contrastante a la espiritualidad predominante en el Neopentecostalismo o pentecostalismo contemporáneo.Comenzamos considerando en el capítulo 1 las diferentes acepciones de la palabra espiritualidad tan en boga en este tiempo, no solo dentro del cristianismo sino en la totalidad de la experiencia humana.Para entender nuestra espiritualidad debemos tener presente como nos ha llegado, nos ha influido, describir con amplitud el marco teórico o contextual en donde dicha espiritualidad se desarrolla para ello citaremos los antecedentes bíblicos, y en especial los hechos ocurridos en el derramamiento de la promesa del espíritu santo (hechos 2:1-21) en donde aparece la palabra pentecostés.También nos detendremos en describir como ha sido la iglesia cristiana en el nuevo testamento con sus diferentes variantes. Posteriormente iremos describiendo en el transcurso de los tiempos los antecedentes históricos y como se fue interpretando la espiritualidad.Comentaremos el aporte de los padres de la iglesia desde Ireneo de Lyón 103-202 D.C. pasando por Tertuliano, Pacomio, Agustin de Hipona (354-430 D.C.) y posteriormente los diferentes derramamientos del espíritu santo que se encuentran registrados en la historia de la iglesia desde los hugonotes 1559, calvinista de Francia y testimonios como los de Martin Lutero, George Fox, Ludwing Graf de Zinzendorft, Juan Wesley para seguir enriqueciendo una comprensión apropiada de la espiritualidad.Nos detendremos en la historia del pentecostalismo y como el énfasis en el bautismo del espíritu santo y la práctica del hablar en otras lenguas (glosolalia) desde los movimientos de santidad a partir de 1840, la iglesia de Dios de Cleveland y también al movimiento renovador de Jhon Wesley en la Inglaterra del siglo XVIII. En el contexto de una iglesia en la que convivían tradiciones teológicas y espirituales del catolicismo y el protestantismo. Esa búsqueda del poder del espíritu santo caracterizo a los avivamientos evangélicos de fines del siglo XIX.Haremos especial énfasis en diferenciar a los primeros pentecostales o pentecostalismo clásico de este Neopentecostalismo predominante en la actualidad, veremos a través de las diferentes olas como las características de espiritualidad han ido cambiando. Veremos como en Argentina como parte de América Latina la influencia de esta espiritualidad predominante en el Neopentecostalismo ha influenciado a una parte considerable de las iglesias no solo de trasfondo pentecostal sino de las más variadas denominaciones presentes.Finalmente haremos una propuesta superadora a la espiritualidad predominante en estos grupos volviendo a las escrituras y pondremos especial énfasis en las prácticas de las disciplinas espirituales, una espiritualidad encarnacional, una espiritualidad en contraste al exitismo propuesto será nuestra línea de pensamiento.
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    A Comparative Analysis of the Distinction between Law and Gospel in Gerhard Forde and Confessional Lutheranism
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, South Africa) Cooper, Jordan; Lioy, Dan T.
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    Towards an Effective Approach of Communicating Scripture for Evangelising the Oral Communities in Central Gonja, Ghana
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, South Africa) Dubei, Ruben; Woodbridge, Noel B.; Woodbridge, Noel B.
    The main aim of this study is to develop an effective approach of communicating Scripture for evangelizing oral communities, with special reference to Central Gonja, Ghana.Firstly, the study provides a literature review of the main developments of the Orality Movement in the history of the Church,regarding the work of evangelism and discipleship especially among the oral cultures.There is also a critical evaluation of the Orality Movement in this first part of the study. Secondly, the study investigates the main obstacles to communicating Scripture for evangelizing the oral communities in Central Gonja, Ghana.It is an empirical survey of the perceptions of church leaders regarding the main reasons why certain oral Scriptural tools are least used by the churches in Central Gonja in the ministry of evangelism.The purpose was to determine the need for an effective oral approach of communicating Scripture for evangelizing the large oral communities in the district.Thirdly,the study presents the Biblical foundations regarding the appropriate styles of communicating God's message to oral cultures, with special reference to Mark 4:33-34. In particular, it deals with a Biblical survey of the oral communication of Scripture, which includes a survey of the both the Old Testament and the New Testament, and a Biblical exegesis of Mark 4:33-34.Finally, the study proposes practical strategies that can be implemented by churches in Central Gonja to effectively communicate Scripture for evangelizing their oral communities.This approach was based on the findings of the empirical survey in Chapter 3 and the Biblical foundations of communicating Scripture to oral communities in Chapter 4.The approach provides seven practical strategies for an oral approach to effectively evangelize and disciple the large oral masses in the world, with special reference to the Gonja people of Ghana.
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    Perceiving God’s Voice: What Can We Reasonably Expect to Experience When God Speaks?
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, South Africa) Goosen, Hugh Ralph; Peppler, Christopher; Peppler, Christopher
    Perceiving God’s voice: what can we reasonably expect to experience when God speaks?The aim of this practical-theological study is to investigate what the average Christian can reasonably expect to experience when God speaks. Given that vagueness exists amongst Christians with regards to what it is like to experience the voice of God practically, the study takes as its objectives the task of identifying objective criteria for the evaluation of religious experience as well as the offering of practical guidelines for the development of a discerning heart. The study begins with a presentation of the findings of an empirical investigation into current perspectives amongst Christians from various denominations in the Muldersdrift area.The data that was gathered by means of both surveys and interviews is then further expounded upon in a biblical-theological analysis. Under consideration are differing perspectives on the will of God and its discover ability; the nature and purpose of divine communication; the levels of awareness and certainty of divine communication as evidenced by select biblical characters; the condition and role of the human spirit in discernment; the need for regular infilling as a prerequisite for effective discernment,environmental influences and practical exercises in preparation for discernment. The study concludes with a summary of the findings of the biblical-theological analysis, presented in the form of a study guide.The results of the study show that while there are differences of opinion with regards to how Christians are to go about seeking divine guidance, the general consensus is that we should have, as our primary concern, a focus upon fostering a deep and intimate relationship with God, out of which direction and instruction will naturally and invariably flow.The ways in which Christians experience this direction, moreover, are as unique and varied as each individual relationship with God is unique and varied. The ultimate purpose of the study is fulfilled through the inspiration and facilitation of relationship-building as opposed to the presentation of a methodology for the divination of the will of God.
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