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    Apóstoles Evangélicos En El Siglo XXI: Una Crítica Desde La Teología Reformada
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, South Africa) Di Giovanna, Guillermo Eduardo; Roldán, Alberto F.; Roldán, Alberto F.
    En el presente trabajo el autor indaga sobre el concepto apostolicidad en la historia del cristianismo, como signo distintivo de la vida de las iglesias y la misión de las mismas. Debido al problema presente de la aparición de nuevos apóstoles, y construcciones eclesiásticas con autoridades apostólicas liderando las mismas, hay que realizar un retorno a las fuentes de la fe cristiana, para comprender este devenir que se ha dado en el presente. Poder evaluarlo y aceptarlo o rechazarlo, en caso que sea ajeno al espíritu del cristianismo histórico. Para ello, se investiga el tema desde una visión general, como fue visto en Iberoamérica en la segunda parte del siglo XX. Luego se camina hacia lo particular, para ver las maneras en que ha sido, la apostolicidad, lo apostólico, comprendido y aplicado en la iglesia antigua, bajo el Imperio Romano, hasta llegar al Medioevo. Allí se estudian los Padres Apostólicos y lasbases que deja el Escolasticismo para arribar a los cambios que se dan con la Reforma Protestante y sus derivaciones posteriores en el separatismo inglés. La derivación misionera, o misiológica, lleva el evangelio al orbe, entonces se darán nuevas expresiones del cristianismo hasta el siglo XX. Se sigue el estudio del mundo noratlántico con su tradición Reformada y del Movimiento Ecuménico, para observar la continuidad y la conceptualización de esta nota singular, la apostolicidad, bajo el marco de la segunda parte del siglo XX. En este recorrido histórico y teológico, se llega a ver el campo de estudio, como signo distintivo de la vida de las iglesias y la misión de las mismas, pues en la fidelidad al espíritu y práctica del Nuevo testamento, tenemosla expresión tangible y efectiva de lo apostólico, de la apostolicidad den las iglesias. Pero es en el mundo de los dos tercios, y especialmente mirando América Latina, donde aparecen fenómenos como el movimiento neo apostólico, que hacia fines del siglo XX y principios del XXI, intenta cooptar el desarrollo del cristianismo con formas de conducción, contrarias al espíritu del Nuevo Testamento. Los rasgos del autoritarismo, de nuevas revelaciones, de manipulación y manejo de masas, ponen bajo sospecha la naturaleza genuina de este movimiento. Y entonces, hay una lectura crítica para demostrar los fundamentos espurios y los peligros, de esta modalidad de concebir al cristianismo, su desarrollo y misión. En simultaneo, teólogos protestantes latinoamericanos estudian, y ponen bajo sospecha la manera en el que iimovimiento se relaciona, entre sus actores y hacia afuera, con el resto del protestantismo en el continente. Llegamos a ver desacreditado el movimiento por sus manejos autocráticos, sus ambiciones políticas y las construcciones de poder, y su ejercicio. Se manifiestan así, valores y acciones ajenos al espíritu del evangelio. Se mencionan ejemplos de arbitrariedades hermenéuticas que dan lugar a la producción del discurso seductor, que provoca entusiasmo a los adeptos a estas corrientes, poniendo en el tapete la falta de juicio crítico en estos oyentes, es decir su ingenuidad ante las interpretaciones caprichosas de los textos bíblicos.A posteriori se procede a trabajar un estudio de caso. Se aborda el caso de los bautistas argentinos, agrupados en la Convención Bautista Argentina, desde su inicio, al principio del siglo XX, hasta el presente. Estos cristianos y sus iglesias locales, fueron permeados en los últimos decenios por el nuevo paradigma apostólico. Se trabaja el análisis del caso, sus causas históricas, teológicas y sociológicas. Se demuestra que existe un principio o axioma operante algunos bautistas del sur que vinieron de los Estados Unidos a comienzos del siglo XX. Ese axioma o principio de la competencia delalma, traído en misión a estas tierras, sentó las bases para la transformación posterior, que se alejaría de la tradición fundante y sus fundamentos eclesiológicos. El trabajo de una nueva interpretación de la fe bautista emprendido por Edgar Young Mullins, al introducir este axioma mencionado y el uso de una hermenéutica romántica son los temas estudiados, que sientan las bases a futuros cambios en la teología denominacional. Queda expuesto también, el riesgo de producir una cristología distante de la que exponen las Escrituras. Y exponer a los creyentes a un Cristo a la medida de su imaginación y ambiciones, y no el Cristo de las Escrituras. También el estímulo al individualismo, que entra en una seria tensión contra los valores que sustentan a toda comunidad hermenéutica, y fomenta actitudes contrarias a la unidad del cuerpo. Dada la magnitud de los hechos, se requiere una respuesta de tino reformado a tal situación. Esta respuesta confronta las prácticas hermenéuticas ya mencionadas, con un uso de exégesis bíblica cuyo resultado será el andamiaje para la construcción de una teología bíblica y dar bases a la teología sistemática. Hecho esto, entendemos que se arriba a la posibilidad de iimovimiento se relaciona, entre sus actores y hacia afuera, con el resto del protestantismo en el continente. Llegamos a ver desacreditado el movimiento por sus manejos autocráticos, sus ambiciones políticas y las construcciones de poder, y su ejercicio. Se manifiestan así, valores y acciones ajenos al espíritu del evangelio. Se mencionan ejemplos de arbitrariedades hermenéuticas que dan lugar a la producción del discurso seductor, que provoca entusiasmo a los adeptos a estas corrientes, poniendo en el tapete la falta de juicio crítico en estos oyentes, es decir su ingenuidad ante las interpretaciones caprichosas de los textos bíblicos.A posteriori se procede a trabajar un estudio de caso. Se aborda el caso de los bautistas argentinos, agrupados en la Convención Bautista Argentina, desde su inicio, al principio del siglo XX, hasta el presente. Estos cristianos y sus iglesias locales, fueron permeados en los últimos decenios por el nuevo paradigma apostólico. Se trabaja el análisis del caso, sus causas históricas, teológicas y sociológicas. Se demuestra que existe un principio o axioma operante algunos bautistas del sur que vinieron de los Estados Unidos a comienzos del siglo XX. Ese axioma o principio de la competencia delalma, traído en misión a estas tierras, sentó las bases para la transformación posterior, que se alejaría de la tradición fundante y sus fundamentos eclesiológicos. El trabajo de una nueva interpretación de la fe bautista emprendido por Edgar Young Mullins, al introducir este axioma mencionado y el uso de una hermenéutica romántica son los temas estudiados, que sientan las bases a futuros cambios en la teología denominacional. Queda expuesto también, el riesgo de producir una cristología distante de la que exponen las Escrituras. Y exponer a los creyentes a un Cristo a la medida de su imaginación y ambiciones, y no el Cristo de las Escrituras. También el estímulo al individualismo, que entra en una seria tensión contra los valores que sustentan a toda comunidad hermenéutica, y fomenta actitudes contrarias a la unidad del cuerpo. Dada la magnitud de los hechos, se requiere una respuesta de tino reformado a tal situación. Esta respuesta confronta las prácticas hermenéuticas ya mencionadas, con un uso de exégesis bíblica cuyo resultado será el andamiaje para la construcción de una teología bíblica y dar bases a la teología sistemática. Hecho esto, entendemos que se arriba a la posibilidad de iimovimiento se relaciona, entre sus actores y hacia afuera, con el resto del protestantismo en el continente. Llegamos a ver desacreditado el movimiento por sus manejos autocráticos, sus ambiciones políticas y las construcciones de poder, y su ejercicio. Se manifiestan así, valores y acciones ajenos al espíritu del evangelio. Se mencionan ejemplos de arbitrariedades hermenéuticas que dan lugar a la producción del discurso seductor, que provoca entusiasmo a los adeptos a estas corrientes, poniendo en el tapete la falta de juicio crítico en estos oyentes, es decir su ingenuidad ante las interpretaciones caprichosas de los textos bíblicos.A posteriori se procede a trabajar un estudio de caso. Se aborda el caso de los bautistas argentinos, agrupados en la Convención Bautista Argentina, desde su inicio, al principio del siglo XX, hasta el presente. Estos cristianos y sus iglesias locales, fueron permeados en los últimos decenios por el nuevo paradigma apostólico. Se trabaja el análisis del caso, sus causas históricas, teológicas y sociológicas. Se demuestra que existe un principio o axioma operante algunos bautistas del sur que vinieron de los Estados Unidos a comienzos del siglo XX. Ese axioma o principio de la competencia delalma, traído en misión a estas tierras, sentó las bases para la transformación posterior, que se alejaría de la tradición fundante y sus fundamentos eclesiológicos. El trabajo de una nueva interpretación de la fe bautista emprendido por Edgar Young Mullins, al introducir este axioma mencionado y el uso de una hermenéutica romántica son los temas estudiados, que sientan las bases a futuros cambios en la teología denominacional. Queda expuesto también, el riesgo de producir una cristología distante de la que exponen las Escrituras. Y exponer a los creyentes a un Cristo a la medida de su imaginación y ambiciones, y no el Cristo de las Escrituras. También el estímulo al individualismo, que entra en una seria tensión contra los valores que sustentan a toda comunidad hermenéutica, y fomenta actitudes contrarias a la unidad del cuerpo. Dada la magnitud de los hechos, se requiere una respuesta de tino reformado a tal situación. Esta respuesta confronta las prácticas hermenéuticas ya mencionadas, con un uso de exégesis bíblica cuyo resultado será el andamiaje para la construcción de una teología bíblica y dar bases a la teología sistemática. Hecho esto, entendemos que se arriba a la posibilidad de iimovimiento se relaciona, entre sus actores y hacia afuera, con el resto del protestantismo en el continente. Llegamos a ver desacreditado el movimiento por sus manejos autocráticos, sus ambiciones políticas y las construcciones de poder, y su ejercicio. Se manifiestan así, valores y acciones ajenos al espíritu del evangelio. Se mencionan ejemplos de arbitrariedades hermenéuticas que dan lugar a la producción del discurso seductor, que provoca entusiasmo a los adeptos a estas corrientes, poniendo en el tapete la falta de juicio crítico en estos oyentes, es decir su ingenuidad ante las interpretaciones caprichosas de los textos bíblicos.A posteriori se procede a trabajar un estudio de caso. Se aborda el caso de los bautistas argentinos, agrupados en la Convención Bautista Argentina, desde su inicio, al principio del siglo XX, hasta el presente. Estos cristianos y sus iglesias locales, fueron permeados en los últimos decenios por el nuevo paradigma apostólico. Se trabaja el análisis del caso, sus causas históricas, teológicas y sociológicas. Se demuestra que existe un principio o axioma operante algunos bautistas del sur que vinieron de los Estados Unidos a comienzos del siglo XX. Ese axioma o principio de la competencia delalma, traído en misión a estas tierras, sentó las bases para la transformación posterior, que se alejaría de la tradición fundante y sus fundamentos eclesiológicos. El trabajo de una nueva interpretación de la fe bautista emprendido por Edgar Young Mullins, al introducir este axioma mencionado y el uso de una hermenéutica romántica son los temas estudiados, que sientan las bases a futuros cambios en la teología denominacional. Queda expuesto también, el riesgo de producir una cristología distante de la que exponen las Escrituras. Y exponer a los creyentes a un Cristo a la medida de su imaginación y ambiciones, y no el Cristo de las Escrituras. También el estímulo al individualismo, que entra en una seria tensión contra los valores que sustentan a toda comunidad hermenéutica, y fomenta actitudes contrarias a la unidad del cuerpo. Dada la magnitud de los hechos, se requiere una respuesta de tino reformado a tal situación. Esta respuesta confronta las prácticas hermenéuticas ya mencionadas, con un uso de exégesis bíblica cuyo resultado será el andamiaje para la construcción de una teología bíblica y dar bases a la teología sistemática. Hecho esto, entendemos que se arriba a la posibilidad de iiidesarrollar con acierto la predicación y práctica pastoral en el marco de la Missio Dei. De esta manera estaremos logrando nuestro cometido.Palabras clave: apostólico; apostolicidad; apóstol; iglesia; fundamento; autoridad; tradición; Escrituras; Reforma; Movimiento Ecuménico; posdenominacionalismo; neopentecostalismo; neo apostólico; iglesias bautistas; bautistas del sur; misioneros bautistas; seminarios bautistas; Edgar Young Müllins; Harold Bloom; sociología de la religión; individualismo; hermenéutica reformada; exégesis bíblica; teología bíblica.iiidesarrollar con acierto la predicación y práctica pastoral en el marco de la Missio Dei. De esta manera estaremos logrando nuestro cometido.Palabras clave: apostólico; apostolicidad; apóstol; iglesia; fundamento; autoridad; tradición; Escrituras; Reforma; Movimiento Ecuménico; posdenominacionalismo; neopentecostalismo; neo apostólico; iglesias bautistas; bautistas del sur; misioneros bautistas; seminarios bautistas; Edgar Young Müllins; Harold Bloom; sociología de la religión; individualismo; hermenéutica reformada; exégesis bíblica; teología bíblica.iiidesarrollar con acierto la predicación y práctica pastoral en el marco de la Missio Dei. De esta manera estaremos logrando nuestro cometido.Palabras clave: apostólico; apostolicidad; apóstol; iglesia; fundamento; autoridad; tradición; Escrituras; Reforma; Movimiento Ecuménico; posdenominacionalismo; neopentecostalismo; neo apostólico; iglesias bautistas; bautistas del sur; misioneros bautistas; seminarios bautistas; Edgar Young Müllins; Harold Bloom; sociología de la religión; individualismo; hermenéutica reformada; exégesis bíblica; teología bíblica. ABSTRACT In this study, the author investigates the concept of apostolicity in the history of Christianism, as a distinctive sign of the lives of churches and their missions. Due to the problem that arises with the emergence of new apostles, and apostolic authorities leading ecclesiastical structures, a return to the foundations of Christian faith needs to occur. The previous is inevitable in order to have a complete understanding of nowadays’ panorama, and to be able to determine whether to accept or reject this situation, if it were an alienation to the spirit of historical Christianism. This issue will be approached from a general perspective, as it was seen in Ibero-America during the second part of the 20thcentury. Then, the author moves on to the specific, to analyze the ways in which the apostolicity and the apostolic have been comprehended and applied to ancient church, from the Roman Empire to the Middle Ages. The Apostolic Fathers and the bases of the Scholasticism are studied, in order to to getto the changes that arose with the Protestant Reformation and its subsequent derivations into the English Separatism. The missionary derivation or missiology took the gospel to the globe; therefore, new expressions of Christianism came up until the 20thcentury. This study moves on to analyze the North-Atlantic world and its Reformed tradition and the Ecumenical Movement, so as to observe the continuity and conceptualization of the particular issue of the apostolicity in the 20thcentury.In this theological and historical journey, the field of study is seen as a distinctive feature of churches and their mission, since the concrete and effective expression of the apostolic –the apostolicity in churches-is present in the fidelity to the spirit and practiceof the New Testament. But it is the world of two thirds, specially pointing to Latin America, where new phenomena like the neo-apostolic movement appear. This happening tries to co-opt the development of Christianism with ways of conduction that are contrary to the spirit of the New Testament. The features of authoritarianism, new revelations, manipulation and management of the masses, make the nature of this movement to be suspicious. And then, there is a critical reading to demonstrate the spurious basesand the dangers of this modality of interpreting Christianism, its development and mission. Simultaneously, Latin-American protestant ivABSTRACTIn this study, the author investigates the concept of apostolicity in the history of Christianism, as a distinctive sign of the lives of churches and their missions. Due to the problem that arises with the emergence of new apostles, and apostolic authorities leading ecclesiastical structures, a return to the foundations of Christian faith needs to occur. The previous is inevitable in order to have a complete understanding of nowadays’ panorama, and to be able to determine whether to accept or reject this situation, if it were an alienation to the spirit of historical Christianism. This issue will be approached from a general perspective, as it was seen in Ibero-America during the second part of the 20thcentury. Then, the author moves on to the specific, to analyze the ways in which the apostolicity and the apostolic have been comprehended and applied to ancient church, from the Roman Empire to the Middle Ages. The Apostolic Fathers and the bases of the Scholasticism are studied, in order to to getto the changes that arose with the Protestant Reformation and its subsequent derivations into the English Separatism. The missionary derivation or missiology took the gospel to the globe; therefore, new expressions of Christianism came up until the 20thcentury. This study moves on to analyze the North-Atlantic world and its Reformed tradition and the Ecumenical Movement, so as to observe the continuity and conceptualization of the particular issue of the apostolicity in the 20thcentury.In this theological and historical journey, the field of study is seen as a distinctive feature of churches and their mission, since the concrete and effective expression of the apostolic –the apostolicity in churches-is present in the fidelity to the spirit and practiceof the New Testament. But it is the world of two thirds, specially pointing to Latin America, where new phenomena like the neo-apostolic movement appear. This happening tries to co-opt the development of Christianism with ways of conduction that are contrary to the spirit of the New Testament. The features of authoritarianism, new revelations, manipulation and management of the masses, make the nature of this movement to be suspicious. And then, there is a critical reading to demonstrate the spurious basesand the dangers of this modality of interpreting Christianism, its development and mission. Simultaneously, Latin-American protestant ivABSTRACTIn this study, the author investigates the concept of apostolicity in the history of Christianism, as a distinctive sign of the lives of churches and their missions. Due to the problem that arises with the emergence of new apostles, and apostolic authorities leading ecclesiastical structures, a return to the foundations of Christian faith needs to occur. The previous is inevitable in order to have a complete understanding of nowadays’ panorama, and to be able to determine whether to accept or reject this situation, if it were an alienation to the spirit of historical Christianism. This issue will be approached from a general perspective, as it was seen in Ibero-America during the second part of the 20thcentury. Then, the author moves on to the specific, to analyze the ways in which the apostolicity and the apostolic have been comprehended and applied to ancient church, from the Roman Empire to the Middle Ages. The Apostolic Fathers and the bases of the Scholasticism are studied, in order to to getto the changes that arose with the Protestant Reformation and its subsequent derivations into the English Separatism. The missionary derivation or missiology took the gospel to the globe; therefore, new expressions of Christianism came up until the 20thcentury. This study moves on to analyze the North-Atlantic world and its Reformed tradition and the Ecumenical Movement, so as to observe the continuity and conceptualization of the particular issue of the apostolicity in the 20thcentury.In this theological and historical journey, the field of study is seen as a distinctive feature of churches and their mission, since the concrete and effective expression of the apostolic –the apostolicity in churches-is present in the fidelity to the spirit and practiceof the New Testament. But it is the world of two thirds, specially pointing to Latin America, where new phenomena like the neo-apostolic movement appear. This happening tries to co-opt the development of Christianism with ways of conduction that are contrary to the spirit of the New Testament. The features of authoritarianism, new revelations, manipulation and management of the masses, make the nature of this movement to be suspicious. And then, there is a critical reading to demonstrate the spurious basesand the dangers of this modality of interpreting Christianism, its development and mission. Simultaneously, Latin-American protestant vscholars study and question the way in which the movement is related –among its actors and the outside-with the rest of the Protestantism of the continent. The Neo-apostolic movement is discredited by and because of its autocratic machinations, its politic ambitions and the constructions of power and its exercise. Values and actions opposite to those of the gospel are shown. Examples of hermeneutic arbitrariness are mentioned, since they give rise to the production of a seductive discourse that causes enthusiasm within advocates of this movement and hides their lack of critical judgement; in other words, the innocence of thelisteners before the whimsical interpretation of the Scripture. Then, a case study is conducted. The issue of Argentine Baptists, grouped in the Convención Bautista Argentina (Argentine Baptist Convention) since its formation at the beginning of the 20thcentury. In the last decades, this Christians and their local churches were permeated with the new apostolic paradigm. The historical, theological and sociological causes of this case are analyzed. The author proves the existence of an operating axiom insome southern Baptists that came from the United States in the first years of the 20thcentury. This axiom or principle of the competence of the soul, which was brought to South America in mission, set the bases for a future transformation that would moveaway from the founding tradition and its ecclesiastical fundaments. The subjects studied are the work of a new interpretation of the Baptist faith addressed by Edgar Young Mullins –by the introduction of the mentioned axiom-and the usage of a romantic hermeneutic. These issues set the bases for future changes of the denominational theology. The author exhibits the risks of producing a Christology distant from that exposed in the Scriptures, as well as exposing the believers to a Christ made up by their imagination and ambitions and to the Christ described in the Bible and stimulating individualism. The last point is contradictory to the sustaining values of the entire hermeneutic community and impulses attitudes that work against the body’s unity. An answer of reformed judgement to this situation is required, due to the magnitude of the facts. Said response confronts the previously mentioned hermeneutic practices with a usage of Biblical exegesis. The result of this will be framework for the construction ofa Scripture-based theology and vscholars study and question the way in which the movement is related –among its actors and the outside-with the rest of the Protestantism of the continent. The Neo-apostolic movement is discredited by and because of its autocratic machinations, its politic ambitions and the constructions of power and its exercise. Values and actions opposite to those of the gospel are shown. Examples of hermeneutic arbitrariness are mentioned, since they give rise to the production of a seductive discourse that causes enthusiasm within advocates of this movement and hides their lack of critical judgement; in other words, the innocence of thelisteners before the whimsical interpretation of the Scripture. Then, a case study is conducted. The issue of Argentine Baptists, grouped in the Convención Bautista Argentina (Argentine Baptist Convention) since its formation at the beginning of the 20thcentury. In the last decades, this Christians and their local churches were permeated with the new apostolic paradigm. The historical, theological and sociological causes of this case are analyzed. The author proves the existence of an operating axiom insome southern Baptists that came from the United States in the first years of the 20thcentury. This axiom or principle of the competence of the soul, which was brought to South America in mission, set the bases for a future transformation that would moveaway from the founding tradition and its ecclesiastical fundaments. The subjects studied are the work of a new interpretation of the Baptist faith addressed by Edgar Young Mullins –by the introduction of the mentioned axiom-and the usage of a romantic hermeneutic. These issues set the bases for future changes of the denominational theology. The author exhibits the risks of producing a Christology distant from that exposed in the Scriptures, as well as exposing the believers to a Christ made up by their imagination and ambitions and to the Christ described in the Bible and stimulating individualism. The last point is contradictory to the sustaining values of the entire hermeneutic community and impulses attitudes that work against the body’s unity. An answer of reformed judgement to this situation is required, due to the magnitude of the facts. Said response confronts the previously mentioned hermeneutic practices with a usage of Biblical exegesis. The result of this will be framework for the construction ofa Scripture-based theology and vscholars study and question the way in which the movement is related –among its actors and the outside-with the rest of the Protestantism of the continent. The Neo-apostolic movement is discredited by and because of its autocratic machinations, its politic ambitions and the constructions of power and its exercise. Values and actions opposite to those of the gospel are shown. Examples of hermeneutic arbitrariness are mentioned, since they give rise to the production of a seductive discourse that causes enthusiasm within advocates of this movement and hides their lack of critical judgement; in other words, the innocence of thelisteners before the whimsical interpretation of the Scripture. Then, a case study is conducted. The issue of Argentine Baptists, grouped in the Convención Bautista Argentina (Argentine Baptist Convention) since its formation at the beginning of the 20thcentury. In the last decades, this Christians and their local churches were permeated with the new apostolic paradigm. The historical, theological and sociological causes of this case are analyzed. The author proves the existence of an operating axiom insome southern Baptists that came from the United States in the first years of the 20thcentury. This axiom or principle of the competence of the soul, which was brought to South America in mission, set the bases for a future transformation that would moveaway from the founding tradition and its ecclesiastical fundaments. The subjects studied are the work of a new interpretation of the Baptist faith addressed by Edgar Young Mullins –by the introduction of the mentioned axiom-and the usage of a romantic hermeneutic. These issues set the bases for future changes of the denominational theology. The author exhibits the risks of producing a Christology distant from that exposed in the Scriptures, as well as exposing the believers to a Christ made up by their imagination and ambitions and to the Christ described in the Bible and stimulating individualism. The last point is contradictory to the sustaining values of the entire hermeneutic community and impulses attitudes that work against the body’s unity. An answer of reformed judgement to this situation is required, due to the magnitude of the facts. Said response confronts the previously mentioned hermeneutic practices with a usage of Biblical exegesis. The result of this will be framework for the construction ofa Scripture-based theology and vithe bases for a systematic theology. Finally, we arrive to the possibility of rightfully developing the pastoral practice and preaching within the framework of the Missio Dei. By doing so, we will be accomplishing our mission. Key words: apostolic, apostolicity, apostle, church, foundation, authority, tradition, Scripture, Reformation, Ecumenical Movement, postdenominationalism, neopentecostalism, neo apostolic, Baptist churches, Baptists of the South, Baptist missionaries, Baptist seminars, Edgar Young Mullins, Harold Bloom, sociology of religion, individualism, reformed hermeneutic, Biblical exegesis, Biblical Theology.
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    Biblical Church Governance and the City Hill Church Network: A Comparative Study
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, South Africa) Mellish, Douglas; Joubert, Callie W. T.
    No Abstract
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    The Effects of Absent Fathers in Spreading HIV/AIDS and the Role of the Church in Swaziland
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, South Africa) Curle, Neville; Kunhiyop, Samuel W.; Smith, Kevin G.
    The Nation of Swaziland is steadily losing its understanding of fatherhood as hundreds of thousands of children are born into this world not knowing what it is to have a real father. Sons,having no valid role model, look to the world around them for guidance. Enticed by the lure of wealth, power and prestige, they forsake their understanding of ubuntu and set out on a hedonistic, materialistic journey.Over time, they lose much of their cultural heritage. Yet one aspect remains –the Patriarchalaspect, which dominates their relationship with women.The blend of hedonism, materialism and male chauvinism mixed with female subjugation and poverty are a fertile breeding ground for HIV/AIDS. This thesis demonstrates that the loss of this loss of understanding by men is a major driving force behind the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Swaziland.The study explores the gradual shift that has taken Swazis from a strong cultural background to one that is steadily dying. In so doing, this investigation traces how Swazi men were forced through poverty-induced by big business (aided and abetted by the British, the Afrikaners and later the A.N.C.),as well as by their own personal greed-to leave the moderating restraint of their fathers. Generations of young men chose to leave Swaziland to go and work on the gold mines in South Africa. Far from their homes,living in single hostels,the men chose to drink in bars and sleep with prostitutes or girlfriends, and finally formed second families. Out of reach of the restraining influence of their fathers, the strictly moral Swazi culture was perverted through their interaction with foreign cultures –especially that of the West. The male domination mind set was merged with western “free love” understanding, producing a male chauvinist of extreme proportions. The discarding of a centuries-old cultural/moral structure of Ubuntu, together with the African Traditional Religious belief that there is no eternal judgment makes for a potent cocktail,which has resulted in a generation of self-destructing spiritual orphans.In the meantime, HIV/AIDS had been imported to South Africa from Central and Eastern Africa 11 HIV/AIDS appears to have originated in West Africa from where it was transferred eastwards and southwards to Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and the Congo. [Epstein 2007:41-42]via truckers, migrant labourers and guerrillas,where it found a fruitful home along the trucking routes and on the mines. The Swazis, along with the Tswanas, the Sothos and the South Africans would take the disease home. The combination of extreme male chauvinism, “widespread grazing”(a descriptive Ugandan term associated with sleeping around) [Epstein 2007:162]and no spiritual or cultural constraints have ensured that HIV/AIDS would spread like wildfire –the so called “HIV super highway”.[Epstein 2007: 58]The Church, the governments and the people themselves would spend decades denying the existence of the disease, and now it is almost too late.In an environment where “widespread grazing”is common, even amongst some Pastors, it is little wonder that the nation is dying.The pandemic is steadily bringing Swaziland to its knees. Life expectancy has been reduced to only 31.3 years in 2004 [White side and Whalley 2007: 6] and the quality of life for the vast majority of Swazis leaves much to be desired. The thesis closes with a call to the Church to lead the way by repenting,praying, preaching, living the life we are called to live,and addressing the need for those who are fatherless to be fathered within the Church.
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    Towards a Communication Strategy for Keeping the Message of Biblical Holiness in the North Carolina Church of the Nazarene Relevant in the 21st Century
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, South Africa) Medley, Mark; Higgs, Michael; Higgs, Michael
    This research thesis is focused on communicating the doctrine of holiness to persons in the twenty-first century, specifically those who are active participants inthe Church of the Nazarene in the district of North Carolina.The motivating factor behind this work is a desire for the church to be able to effectively communicate one of its central doctrines to succeeding generations. Of primary concern in this work is a process of ongoing education for pastors and teachers in the North Carolina Church of the Nazarene in order to facilitate the work they are involved in. As such a secondary emphasis on how language and understanding of terminology related to the issue of holiness has changed through time will be evident.This research traces the holiness movement from its origins through to the present giving attention to particular holiness movement leaders, the technology that has influenced communication, the effect of denominational influences and the changes that have occurred within the generations affecting the message of the church.The resulting product of the research is a ministry model for the Church of the Nazarene in North Carolina whereby the language of the church is reviewed on a continual basis and the doctrine of holiness is emphasized as a central tenet of the faith.
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    A Brief, Critical History of Zion Evangelical Ministries of Africa Among the AmaZioni of Southern Africa with Special Reference to Its Relationship with the Christian Catholic Church of Zion
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, South Africa) Sullivan, Andrew Leslie; Jabini, Franklin; Maenzanise, Tawanda
    This thesis is a brief overview of the history of a missionary organization that specializes in ministering to the amaZioni of southern Africa. The word ‘amaZioni’ is taken from the Zulu word meaning ‘the people of Zion’. This Mission Organizationwas first known as the Mahon Mission and later became Zion Evangelical Ministries of Africa (ZEMA). ZEMA has a close relationship with the Christian Catholic Church of Zion that was founded by John Alexander Dowie in 1896. Missionaries of ZEMA use this relationship that they enjoy with the church in Zion to gain acceptance by the amaZioni church leaders who themselves trace their history back to the Christian Catholic Church of Zion. The researcher attempts togive a brief history of the Christian Catholic Church of Zion in Illinois, USA that was founded by Dowie. It includes a history of the establishment of the Christian Catholic Church of Zion in South Africa and focuses on the most important characters whowere influenced by Dowie in South Africa. These were Johannes Buchler, Pieter le Roux and Edgar Mahon, the latter being the founder of the Mahon Mission.The thesis also investigates the ministry of the missionaries of ZEMA through the use of the instrument of a questionnaire. Theresults of this questionnaire revealsby way of testimony and personal experiences from both ZEMA missionaries and local amaZioni church leaders that the knowledge of ZEMA’s history and the unique relationship that ZEMA has withthe Christian Catholic Church of Zion has proven to be of great valueto both missionaries and the amaZioni churches.
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    A Historical and Theological Survey of the Relationship Between the Principle of Liberty of Conscience and the Doctrine of Scripture in the Baptist Union of South Africa From 1930 to 2005
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, South Africa) Aucamp, Casper Andrew; Lioy, Dan T.
    SUMMARY: Baptists are well known for two principles, namely the primacy of the Scriptures, and liberty of conscience. The Baptist Union of Southern Africa (BUSA) has historically also sought to uphold these two principles. These two principles, however, can superficially appear to be in conflict with one another. The need to promote doctrinal orthodoxy by defining a doctrine of Scripture could be construed as limiting the liberty of conscience of the individual churches in the BUSA to interpret the Scriptures for themselves. This thesis examines two questions. Firstly, what is the nature of the Baptist principle “liberty of conscience” or “religious liberty,” and how is the principle meant to be understood in the context of the churches’ ongoing mandate to “defend the faith?” Secondly, how, if at all, has the principle of liberty of conscience impacted on the doctrine of Scripture in the BUSA? The research shows that the principle of liberty of conscience was first introduced and advocated in a context of religious persecution from the State. The early Baptists saw the principle of “liberty of conscience” as an opportunity to freely practice their religious convictions and even separate from those who held contrary beliefs. The historical survey of the BUSA indicates that numerous attempts to define and clarify a doctrine of Scripture have been resisted based on the objection that liberty of conscience will be compromised. This has had a negative impact on the doctrine of Scripture. Significant minority groups have developed that hold to views that undermine the authority of the Scriptures, and so impact on the primacy of Scripture in the BUSA. The view of liberty of conscience in the BUSA is found to be at variance with the theological and historic understanding of the principle. This thesis therefore provides a corrective framework within which the BUSA can achieve clarity and stability on the doctrine of Scripture without negatively impacting on the liberty of conscience of the individual churches.
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