Atterbury, Vincent E.Brodie, RobertDomeris, William R.Erdey, Zoltan L.Jabini, FrankKunhiyop, Samuel W.Lessing, PelhamLioy, Dan T.Mahlangu, ElijahMalherbe, Johannes S.Maré, LeonardPeppler, ChristopherPretorius, MarkSmith, Kevin G.Song, ArthurWoodbridge, Noel B.Du Toit, PhilipErdey, Zoltan L.Smith, Kevin G.2024-01-112024-01-112017-031996-8167, Perfection of God’s Good Work: The Literary and Pastoral Function of the Theme of ‘Work’ in Philippians ............... 1 Curl, A Critique of the patriarchalistic paradigm as practised in the Kingdom of Swaziland............................................................. 57 Irudayaraj, 'What is this Evil Thing … Profaning the Sabbath?' A New-Historicist Look at the Sabbath Restrictions in Nehemiah 13:15–22 ....................................................................... 99 Lioy, One Saviour and two responses: a comparison and analysis of Luke 18:18–30 and 19:1–10 ...................................... 125 Falconer, Review of Mann, Atonement for a Sinless Society (2nd ed.) ....................................................................................... 157 Editorial Policy .................................................................................... 167enConspectus Volume 23Academic Journal