Towards a Theology of Authority and Submission in Marriage Conspectus : The Journal of the South African Theological Seminary, Volume 15, Issue 03, Mar 2013, p. 107 - 139

dc.creatorCurle, Neville
dc.description.abstractThe twentieth and twenty first-centuries have seen a major debate develop over the role of women in society. For the hierarchicalists represented by the 'Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood', male leadership, as raised in Ephesians 5:24, is critical and overrides all other considerations. To the egalitarian 'Christians for Biblical Equality', mutual submissionâ??as required by Galatians 3:28 and Ephesians 5:21-constitutes the point of departure. This article explores the possibility of a bridge between the two moderate positions. To do this, the research focuses on four key areas, namely, (1) what is authority and how should it be applied; (2) how does submission relate to that authority; (3) how does authority work within the Trinity where all are equals; and (4) do Paul and Peter's eschatological beliefs assist us in building a bridge between the seemingly irreconcilable passages. The research concluded that via the application of Paul and Peter's eschatological 'already but 'not yet' beliefs operating in the 'now', a bridge opens up to a third biblical alternative. This view operates across all cultures where 'authority and submission in marriage' is neither hierarchical nor merely mutually submissive, but mutually empowering.
dc.publisherSouth African Theological Seminary Press Johannesburg, South Africa
dc.titleTowards a Theology of Authority and Submission in Marriage Conspectus : The Journal of the South African Theological Seminary, Volume 15, Issue 03, Mar 2013, p. 107 - 139

