The Existence of a Jewish Remnant as Evidence of God’s Redemption Plan for Israe

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South African Theological Seminary


The purpose of the mini thesis was to present enough biblical evidence to show that God’s plan of redemption for Israel is fulfilled through the elect Jewish remnant. The research followed a thematic approach, making full use of literary scholarship and exegesis. The theme of the remnant was initiated in the Abrahamic Covenant with the promise given to Abraham of both physical and spiritual descendants. It was the concept of spiritual heirs that was the focus of the study. The link was then made between the Abrahamic Covenant and Paul’s teaching in Romans Chapters 1 to 10. Here Paul uses Abraham to emphasize that salvation is a personal matter based on God’s prerogative to elect those who shall come to faith in Christ and has nothing to do with national heredity. An exegesis of Romans 11:26 followed. It was important to try and reconcile Paul’s doctrine of salvation in the previous chapters with the seemingly contradictory statement made here that the whole nation of Israel (literally) shall be saved. The scholarly debate of those who fiercely defend a literal interpretation and not a spiritual one was noted. The context of Romans 11:26 however makes Paul’s message clear. All those who shall be saved constituted the total number of the remnant; individual Jewish believers, saved according to God’s predetermined plan of redemption through Jesus Christ. The thesis statement was substantially proven that the salvation of Israel is fulfilled in the remnant; the connotation of spiritual heirs of Abraham being synonymous with the remnant.



Abrahamic Covenant, Jewish Remnant, Israel Salvation, Election (Theology)





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