A Critical Evaluation of John Robert Stevens’ Theology of Spiritual Formationin Dialogue with Søren Kierkegaard

dc.contributor.advisorAsumang, Annang
dc.creatorGruenberg, Jeremiah
dc.dateApril 2019
dc.degreeDoctor of Philosophy in Theology
dc.description.abstractJohn Robert Stevens (1919-1983) was a Pentecostal/Charismatic minister whose teachings emphasize Christian maturity. In his dozens of major published works, he describes a Christian lifestyle of “a walk with God”, which stands as a uniquely holistic and relational model of spiritual formation. Utilizing the existential voice of Soren Kierkegaard as a dialogical partner, this dissertation identifies, synthesizes, systematizes, assesses, analyses, and critiques John Robert Stevens’ teachings on a walk with God. Stevens’ holistic model is described and measured along four axes: goal, paradigmatic concept, theological foundations, and activities. Stevens’ concept of a walk with God includes the primary interrelated topics of Christlikeness, the Kingdom, and the believer’s relationship with God. Christ and His Lordship are the centre of this formative walk with God. Further, Christian maturity reflects the internalized Kingdom, as well as the transformation of God's Kingdom citizens. True spiritual formation results from an ongoing, obedient relationship with God, who is the only source of genuine transformation. According to Stevens, Christian formation is an existential and relational endeavour. It naturally arises from a daily focus of relating to God in the course of life, and consistently moving in the direction of God's will. The dialogue with Kierkegaard—the father of existentialism—highlights and sharpens Stevens’ view of Christian spiritual formation. In the course of engaging with Stevens’ teachings, particular aspects of his model are critiqued exegetically, while others are critiqued theologically. Contemporary biblical scholarship and works on spiritual formation supplement missing elements of Stevens ‘Theo-philosophical foundations. The result of this systematic study of John Robert Stevens’ concept of a walk with God is this summary proposition: Christian spiritual formation is a relational endeavor in which ontological maturity toward Christlikeness is realized via an interactive, obedient, and holistic relationship with three persons of the Trinity in an ongoing walk with God, who is the only source of true spiritual transformation.
dc.format.extent414 pages
dc.publisherSouth African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, South Africa
dc.titleA Critical Evaluation of John Robert Stevens’ Theology of Spiritual Formationin Dialogue with Søren Kierkegaard


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