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Aims, Scopes, and Values

Conspectus is the journal of the South African Theological Seminary. Like the Seminary, the values of the journal are encapsulated in the phrase, “Bible-based, Christ-centred, and Spirit- led.” Launching from an appreciation of interdisciplinary discourse, the journal publishes from across the broad spectrum of theological studies (Biblical Studies, Practical Theology, Systematic Theology, Studies in Church and Society), while establishing links with extra- theological disciplines where appropriate. Like the Seminary, Conspectus invites contributions from the broad spectrum of denominations while showcasing academic research from a broadly evangelical perspective. The journal seeks contributions from authors who subscribe to a high view of Scripture, as is consistent with evangelical tenets.1 Publishing articles that employ reader-centered methodologies for exegesis does not lie in Conspectus’s purview.2 Additionally, as SATS is based on the African continent, the journal foregrounds contributions from the Majority World. To be published in Conspectus an article must go beyond a summary of secondary sources and present the results of sound theological research valuable to the church, including scholars, pastors, students, missionaries, and/or other Christian practitioners. Conspectus is an open-source journal, catalogued under ATLA (American Theological Library Association), Logos Bible Software, Galaxy Software, Sabinet, the Directory of Open Access Journals, African Journals Online (AJOL), and the SATS website.3


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    A grammatical exposition of 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Conspectus : The Journal of the South African Theological Seminary, Volume 9, Issue 03, Mar 2010, p. 95 - 105
    (South African Theological Seminary Press Johannesburg, South Africa) Smith, Kevin G.
    The most definitive biblical text on the nature, function, and purpose of scripture, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, contains several difficulties that have made it the subject of much scholarly debate. The purpose of this article is to examine the Greek text phrase by phrase, exploring the difficulties and evaluating possible solutions. Concerning the nature of scripture, the first three words are best translated 'all scripture is God-breathed', although 'every scripture is God-breathed' remains possible. The inspired nature of the scriptures is presupposed by both these translations, and even by other interpretive options. Furthermore, it is proper to consider both copies and translations as inspired scriptures, while recognizing that in so doing we are referring to their true character rather than their absolute character. The function of scripture is represented by four prepositional phrases, which portray its functions as guiding believers towards correct belief and behaviour, while exposing wrong beliefs and behaviours. The ultimate purpose of scripture, however, is conveyed not by the four prepositional phrases in verse 16, but by the hina clause in verse 17 - the word of God is given to prepare the man of God for every good work.