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Aims, Scopes, and Values

Conspectus is the journal of the South African Theological Seminary. Like the Seminary, the values of the journal are encapsulated in the phrase, “Bible-based, Christ-centred, and Spirit- led.” Launching from an appreciation of interdisciplinary discourse, the journal publishes from across the broad spectrum of theological studies (Biblical Studies, Practical Theology, Systematic Theology, Studies in Church and Society), while establishing links with extra- theological disciplines where appropriate. Like the Seminary, Conspectus invites contributions from the broad spectrum of denominations while showcasing academic research from a broadly evangelical perspective. The journal seeks contributions from authors who subscribe to a high view of Scripture, as is consistent with evangelical tenets.1 Publishing articles that employ reader-centered methodologies for exegesis does not lie in Conspectus’s purview.2 Additionally, as SATS is based on the African continent, the journal foregrounds contributions from the Majority World. To be published in Conspectus an article must go beyond a summary of secondary sources and present the results of sound theological research valuable to the church, including scholars, pastors, students, missionaries, and/or other Christian practitioners. Conspectus is an open-source journal, catalogued under ATLA (American Theological Library Association), Logos Bible Software, Galaxy Software, Sabinet, the Directory of Open Access Journals, African Journals Online (AJOL), and the SATS website.3


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    Una Eclesiología de Cuidado en la Misión Urbana: La Capellanía de Prisión y los Derechos Humanos Según el Evangelio de Cristo (An ecclesiology of care in the urban mission : the prison chaplaincy and the human rights according to the Gospel of Christ) Conspectus : The Journal of the South African Theological Seminary, Volume 18, Issue 09, Sep 2014, p. 137 - 153
    (South African Theological Seminary Press Johannesburg, South Africa) Durigan, Angela
    Esta disertación hace un estudio analítico de los derechos humanos en la vida de los encarcelados, que son cuidados a través de la Capellanía de Prisión del Proyecto SOS Dramas Familiares, bajo dos diferentes dimensiones: el humanismo y el cristianismo. Involucrando los derechos humanos en Brasil, la iglesia como lugar de refugio e seguridad, la realidad de la evangelización en las prisiones brasileñas y lo qué hacen las iglesias en ese contexto. Este proyecto, con visión de misión urbana y el discipulado, se involucró en la misión de cuidar de la vida de otros y siempre que posible, ayudarlos con sus derechos. En el caso de los encarcelados, sus derechos humanos son respetados cuando se les trata como ciudadanos y no como escoria de la sociedad. Todo ser humano tiene derechos y deberes, pero debe ser consciente de ellos a vivir en paz en la sociedad donde está ubicado. An ecclesiology of care in the urban mission : the prison chaplaincy and the human rights according to the Gospel of Christ This dissertation makes an analytical study of the human rights in the life of the prisoners, who are cared through the Prison Chaplaincy of SOS Family Dramas Project, under two different dimensions: the humanism and the Christianity. Involving the human rights in Brazil, the church as a place of refuge and safety, the reality of evangelization in Brazilian prisons and what churches do in this context. This project, with a vision of urban mission and discipleship, became involved in the mission of taking care of the life of others and whenever possible, help them with their rights. In the prisoner's case, their human rights are respected when they are treated as citizens and not as scourge of the society. All human being has rights and duties, but must be aware of them to live in peace in the society where it is located.