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    An Investigation Into Pauline Church Leadership And Ministry Towards A Reduction Of The Clergy/Laity Gap In A West African Sahelian Context
    (South African Theological Seminary) Ndiaye, Mamadou; Domeris, William R.
    The post-apostolic Church fathers, facing deviating teachings and movements, reinforced the authority of Church leadership at the expense of non-leaders’ involvement in ministry. This is the root of a clergy/laity gap that was to deepen throughout the centuries. The Protestant Reformation was right in reasserting the priesthood of all. They questioned the clerical and hierarchical structure of Roman Church leadership and ministry. However, the Protestant movement, in wanting to correct the Roman Church order, engaged in a wrong track. The priesthood of all was dealt with in terms of authority rather than service. The results have been different forms of Church order,confined to a restructuring of Church leadership that do not reduce the clergy/laity gap. Furthermore, they do not reflect the sovereign uniqueness of Christ’s headship. This thesis set then to investigate Pauline Church leadership and ministry in search of a potential solution towards a reduction of the gap. It is structured into three main parts addressing the background of the issue, the investigation of Pauline Church leadership and ministry, and the contemporary significance of the study. The research shows that the nature of the Priesthood of all in Paul is diakonia(Eph 4:12), not authority. The “diakonia”of the body, the “pastoral task” and “participative christocracy” are the three paradigms that emerge from the exegetic study based on 1 Corinthians 12:27-31 and Ephesians 4:11-16, paying heed to New Testament related texts. The theological significance of the paradigms for a reduction of the clegy/laity gap has been applied to a West African Sahelian context, part of the Mandingo cluster. The application leans upon socio-cultural positive values that help implement Church leadership and ministry in ways potentially conducive to a reduction of the clergy/laity gap while safeguarding the christocratic nature of authority in the Church.
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    Knowledge Management: A Recommended Companion in the Task of Biblical Mentoring in the 21st Century
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, South Africa) Chua, Alton; Lessing, Pelham
    Mentors not only help clarify the call of God in the protégés’ lives but also develop the inner character and spiritual depth of their protégés.Yet, little attention has been paid tothe knowledge-intensive natureof mentoring. Also, there is a dearth of Christian research articles in mentoring. To bring theological formulations and reflections on the topic of mentoring to bear, the main problem of this thesis is as follows: howcan a biblical model of mentoring be developed with a knowledge management perspective?To further explicate the main research problem, four subordinate problems are specified as follows:(1) What are the components of a biblical model of mentoring with aknowledge management perspective?(2) What are the nature and types of knowledge imparted in a mentoring relationship?(3) What are the impediments to knowledge impartation in a mentoring relationship?(4) What knowledge management strategies can be usedto overcome the impediments to knowledge impartation in a mentoring relationship?To address these problems, this thesis relies on the Wesleyan’s quadrilateral approach of doing theology by appealing to the Scripture as the authoritative source, and supported by tradition, experience and reason. The findings are as follows. First, five major components of a biblical model of mentoring with a knowledge perspective can be identified. They are the mentor, the protégé, the knowledge to be imparted, the mentor-protégé relationship and the Holy Spirit. Next, the nature of knowledge impartedcan be conceptualized as explicit-tacit-implicit, declarative-procedural-causalas well as human-social-structured. The types of knowledge imparted cover instructions, encouragement and inspiration. Third, four main impediments to knowledge impartation are the negative attributes of the mentor, the negative attributes of the protégé, the characteristics of the knowledge and the arduous mentor-protégé relationship. Finally, knowledge management strategies to overcome the impediments to knowledge impartation in a mentoring relationshipare include mentor motivation, selection and training a clear developmental path and constant prayer for the protégé, and an organically-nurtured mentor-protégé relationship to promote trust between them. This thesis concludes with theological and practical implications.
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    Rhetorical Analysis of Paul’s Argument in 1 Corinthians 13
    (South African Theological Seminary) Kantonda, Felix Biatoma; Smith, Kevin G.
    Never a piece of writing has been so appreciated like 1 Corinthians 13. Biblical scholars of various backgrounds acknowledge it as the best master piece Paul ever wrote. In our days, it is read in memorable occasion such as the wedding whether for believer or not (Stott 1999). This thesis joins those who interested about its kind of literature have gone beyond simple enjoyment and sought to investigate what it is made up with. Among the problems that endangered the welfare of the Corinthian church were the abuse of spiritual gifts and a special consideration of a certain category of gifts. The examination of spiritual gifts section revealed that in his attempt to correct the Corinthian believers’ understanding of spirituality Paul shifted thematically and stylistically. Hence the research endeavoured to find out, how the use of rhetorical strategies in 1 Corinthians 13 was it helpful in persuading the Corinthians that a person is found spiritual on the basis of love rather than spiritual abilities. For that purpose, the study has first of all examined the whole epistle for a full understanding of the situation within the church in order to know the purpose of the chapter under consideration. This led to establish the relationships between Corinthian Christians and Paul and with one another. Love was also explored at this level since the matter is the object of an entire chapter and is also found elsewhere in the epistle. Then the study moved to the textual criticism to see the kind of literature 1 Corinthians 13 is. Many procedures were used mainly the translation and the diagramming of the text followed by the examination of its literary features. The study thus, aims to determine the literary genres of 1 Corinthians 13 by providing evidences from rhetorical perspectives. It showed that the chapter was also meant to touch the Corinthians’ emotions. In so doing, the research purposed to establish a framework of rhetorical research of the N. T text.
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