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    Abtreibung im Islam: Eine literarische Untersuchungder wichtigsten islamischen Positionen und ihrerGemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede zur christlichen Position evangelikaler Prägung im Blick auf Möglichkeiten und Grenzen zur Zusammenarbeit für den Schutz des ungeborenen Lebens
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg) Nyffenegger, Thomas 1976; Schirrmacher, Christine
    Christen evangelikaler Prägung und religiöse Muslime haben in gesellschaftspolitischen Fragen wahrscheinlich mehr Übereinstimmung als ihnen gemeinhin bewusst sein dürfte. In diesem Zusammenhang stellt sich mir die Grundsatzfrage, welchen gemeinsamen Nenneres zwischen evangelikalen Christen und Muslimen in der Abtreibungsfrage gibt. Um dies herauszu-finden, erforscheich in der vorliegenden Arbeit das Thema Abtreibung im Islam. Ich untersuche dabei die wichtigsten islamischen Positionen und arbeite Gemeinsamkeiten und Un-terschiede zur christlichen Position evangelikaler Prägung heraus. Ich tue dies immer mit der Frage im Hinterkopf, welche Möglichkeiten und Grenzen zur Zusammenarbeit für den Schutz des ungeborenen Lebens sich daraus ergeben. Dabei arbeite ichprimär literarisch, indem ich relevante Literatur zum Thema analysiere und vergleiche.Nach einer Einführung in das islamische Recht (Scharia) und die Bioethik im Islam unter-suche ich die grundsätzliche Haltung der beiden Religionsgemeinschaften zur Abtreibung und wie sie ihre Position begründen. Dabei wird klar, dass beide Gruppen Abtreibung grundsätzlich ablehnen, es aber signifikante Unterschiede in der Begründung gibt. Bei der Frage nach dem Beginn des menschlichen Lebens bzw. dem Zeitpunkt der Beseelung des Embryos gehen die Meinungen weit auseinander. Diese Frage istauchinnerislamisch höchst umstritten und die islamische Mehrheitsmeinung weicht von der christlich-evangelikalen Position stark ab. Ebenso gibt es zu den vier von mir thematisierten vier Indikationen für eine Abtreibung mehr Unterschiede als Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen der evangelikalen Ethik und den wichtigsten islamischen Positionen. Insgesamt zeigt sich, dass das Potenzial für eine Zusammenarbeit zwi-schen evangelikalen Christen und religiösen Muslimen in der Praxis bereits auf inhaltlicher Ebene im Wesentlichen auf den Kampf gegen weitere Legalisierungen der bestehenden Abtrei-bungsgesetze in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz beschränkt sein dürfte.
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    The Strategic Role of Expatriate Married Female Missionaries in Muslim-Majority Communities
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg) Vermont, Betsy 1959; Smith, Kevin G.; Smith, Kevin G.
    The main objective of this thesis is to establish what the strategic role should be of expatriate married female missionaries (EMFMs) in Muslim-majority communities (MMCs). Literature surveys, supplemented by the researcher’s experience as an EMFM in MMCs in both Southeast Africa and Southeast Asia, as well as two small-scale surveys, give insights from history, culture, theology, and field experience to inform a vision of the strategic role that EMFMs should play in MMCs. The results of the historical overview showed that women always played a role throughout church history. In addition, developments and trends in mission praxis since the 1980s, especially the orality and disciple making movements as well as research on fruitful practices, showed that EMFMs have a strategic role in MMCs. The cultural overview highlighted the importance of intentionally focussing on reaching Muslim women. The view of women in Islam and related cultural customs shows that the constant factor in most Muslim communities is the difference in gender roles between men and women. This difference has a profound effect on the role of EMFMs in MMCs. Even though EMFMs have many challenges to overcome, many opportunities exist for EMFMs to play a strategic role in MMCs. Practical-theological reflection showed that the missiological themes of incarnational ministry, critical contextualisation as well as the multiplication in discipleship are key factors for ministry effectiveness. In addition, these themes can guide EMFMs to define their roles in MMCs. In addition, the traditional roles of female missionaries from being evangelists and disciple makers are shifting to that of mentors and trainers, especially in disciple making movements. Lastly, results of the empirical component on the experiences of EMFMs in MMCs in Southeast Asia correlated well with existing literature on fruitful practices in Muslim ministry. The results also confirmed that EMFMs have a strategic role to play in such communities. From a strategic perspective this study highlights the need to envision, train and mentor EMFMs to play key roles in MMCs. In addition, mission organisations need to prioritise reaching the women of Islam and inspire EMFMs to take an active role in ministry in MMCs.
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    An Analysis of the Status and Evangelism Strategy of Muslim Wives in Saudi Arabia
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, South Africa) Booysen, Sharon Elizabeth; Jabini, Franklin
    Summary: Western society at large is prone to conclude that the majority of Islamic wives are treated as inferior, second class citizens with few rights and insurmountable hurdles. By contrast, many Islamic scholars deny this, insisting that Islam brought emancipation for women. This mini-thesis seeks to conduct a literary analysis of the ideological tenets of Islam, and the subsequent implications for the economic, social and religious status of Muslim wives, in order to test this hypothesis. This mini-thesis argues that Islam as a patriarchal system legitimates and propagates widespread discrimination against women in general, and wives in particular. Saudi Arabia as the cradle of Islam practices Wahhabism, an austere form of Islam which subscribes to early Islamic ideologies. Thus the research scope will focus on the social, economic and spiritual status of the Saudi wife. Segregation renders many Islamic wives inaccessible to Christians, and thus severely impedes avenues for evangelism and discipleship.Thus Christians must implement creative strategies in order to bring Muslim wives to Christ, showing insight, wisdom and respect. It is crucial that Christians engage relevant codes of practice for Muslim evangelism, so as to ensure success in winning them to Christ.
© South African Theological Seminary