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    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, 2023) Currie, Ryan 1986–; Falconer, Robert D.; Coon, George
    In the development of his theological aesthetic project, the Swiss theologian and Roman Catholic priest, Hans Urs von Balthasar, critiqued Protestantism for lacking a theological account of beauty. Balthasar claimed that Protestants explore the relationship of theology and worldly beauty in its various forms, but do not deal with beauty itself as a theological category and have eliminated beauty from theology completely. This thesis responds to this critique from an evangelical Protestant perspective. The purpose of this work is to develop a theological aesthetic for evangelical Protestants that builds on the insights of historical theology and is consistent with the biblical witness. The methodology employed is Falconer’s Architectonic Theology, which applies architectural design principles for the construction of a systematic theology. Following this methodology, this work examines the concepts of theological aesthetics in current evangelical Protestantism, the development of theological aesthetic concepts in the history of theology, Balthasar’s articulation of theological aesthetics, and the Johannine corpus. I argue that even though evangelical Protestants have neglected a theological account of beauty, they have a tacit theological aesthetic that needs further articulation and development. However, evangelical Protestants have much to offer in the field of theological aesthetics. In this thesis, I seek to develop a theological aesthetic that is based on a theology of the cross. I claim that beauty is inherently related to the concept of glory. Glory emphasizes the objective aspects of God’s fullness and perfection, while beauty emphasizes perception and drawing power. The perception of God’s beauty is made possible through the spiritual sense, given at regeneration. The spiritual sense also transforms the physical senses so that all created beauty becomes a communicative event where the beauty of God is displayed. This is significant because it provides a solution to the felt tension between spiritual and created beauty. Further, the beauty of God is transformative. Theological aesthetics has profound implications for life as the believer perceives God through faith and generates a beautiful life in the theo-drama.
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    A Critical Analysis of Christology in N.T. Wright and Wolfhart Pannenberg: Implications for a Christo-Centric Homiletic
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, 2023) Duffield, Devon 1988; Bartholomaeus, Michael; Falconer, Robert D.
    The Christo-centric homiletic is considered one of the leading contemporary approaches within the evangelical hermeneutic and homiletic society. However, its popularity has not made this approach immune to criticism. This thesis seeks to point out that the Christo-centric homiletic is embedded in a Christology from above, which contributes to its strengths and weaknesses. It explores the implications of the from below Christologies of N.T. Wright and Wolfhart Pannenberg on the Christo-centric approach. A unique research methodology is employed that consists of five literary tasks to address the research problem. The research project begins with examining the from below Christologies of Wright and Pannenberg, which encompasses the overarching tenets of their Christologies and the influences of other scholars upon their presuppositions and Christological developments. Then, the strengths and weaknesses of their Christologies are identified, described, and evaluated through critical analysis. Subsequently, the Christo-centric homiletic is examined, and its underlying Christology and shortcomings are specified and assessed. It is argued that the Christo-centric homiletic is embedded in a from above approach to Christology and that the presuppositions of a Christology from above contribute to the homiletical approach's shortcomings. The implications of the strengths of Wright and Pannenberg's Christologies on the Christo-centric homiletic are then explored. These implications demonstrate that these two from below Christologies enrich and challenge the Christo-centric method in various meaningful ways. This thesis suggests that if the Christo-centric method takes the from below Christologies of Wright and Pannenberg seriously, it can address specific weaknesses and find resources to enhance some of its strengths without negating its central conviction of preaching Christ in every sermon. This thesis fulfils the profound need to place the current homiletical debate on Christo-centric preaching in dialogue with Christology. It defends the unique proposal that the Christo-centric method can address its criticisms without becoming more Theo-centric.
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    A Kuyperian Theology of Living Under Christ as King: Towards Cultivating a Christian Transformative Cultural Engagement in Croatia
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, 2022) Balint-Feudvarski, Miroslav 1980; Falconer, Robert D.; Falconer, Robert D.
    Croatia has undergone manifold political changes in the last hundred years, from living in a monarchy through undergoing 45 years of Communist dictatorship and public contempt toward religion to the last 30 years of capitalism and religious freedom. Nevertheless, undesirable markings were left upon Croatian social mentality but also on the evangelical community, which yet has to dare to taste the newfound religious liberties. Indeed, evangelical Christians need to understand that they were released from the bondage of feeling oppressed and detached from the majority of society and can offer themselves as a transformative influence. Unfortunately, this partly transpired because of the influence of a particular form of Christian fundamentalism, which is prone to alienate believers from society. This thesis in systematic theology argues that a Kuyperian vision of living under Christ as King can address these challenges in a way that will cultivate a transformative cultural engagement in Croatia. It utilizes the modified Osborne method of systematic theology, which is integrative and encompasses historical, biblical, contextual, and, to an extent, practical theology. It shows that Christ’s present rule over the whole world, as presented by Kuyperian theology, is grounded in the historical views of Augustine and Calvin and was later developed by Abraham Kuyper and his theological successors. Kuyperian theology holds that God is not working in the human culture only through believers (special grace) but also through unbelievers (common grace). It is both preserving the world from the fall to total corruption and enabling human cultural achievements that align with God’s initial intention for humanity. Nevertheless, Christ’s ascension to heaven means that he is now the world's rightful King, pushing God’s plan even more decisively forward through the engagement of his body, the Church. It gives the impetus to believers and opens up many possibilities for their engagement with the culture in redemptive and transformative ways. The exegetical analysis of Colossians 1:15-20shows that the Kuyperian vision is grounded in the Bible, as the passage elucidates that Christ is the sovereign Creator. He became the Messianic King of the whole world and the Head of the church. He is now ruling and working on reconciliation of all things, which will be completed at his second coming. His Body, the Church, is called to vice-regency with Him and in Him and to be faithful in its proclamational, vocational, exemplary, and incarnational role in the world. Kuyperian theology of Christ’s kingship is then contextualized for Croatian evangelicals—as it is argued that Kuyperianism offers a balanced vision for cultural engagement that evades both the excessive enthusiasm of Postmillennialism and the cultural despondency of some sorts of Premillennialism—and applied to different sovereign spheres. Finally, this vision is applied to evangelical churches in Croatia, as it relates to their functions of formation through Word and Sacrament, exemplification of faith, hope, and love to the watching world, and prophetic proclamation of Christ’s Kingship through evangelism and dialogue.
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