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    Practical Proposals for raising the profile of Children’s Ministry in the Ethiopian Full Gospel Believer’s Church
    (South African Theological Seminary, 2010) Abera, Abay; Jabini, Frank
    This mini-thesis, titled "Practical Proposals for Raising the Profile of Children's Ministry in the Ethiopian Full Gospel Believer's Church," addresses the critical issue of children's ministry within the Ethiopian Full Gospel Believer’s Church (EFGBC). Submitted in partial fulfillment for the Master of Theology degree at the South African Theological Seminary, this work comprehensively explores identifying and rectifying the deficiencies in spiritual and social nurturing of children within the EFGBC. The research is structured into several key sections: an introduction providing background, significance, research questions, objectives, and methodology; an examination of biblical perspectives on children’s spiritual and social life; a survey assessing the current state of children’s ministry within EFGBC; identification of existing problems based on research findings; and proposed strategies for improvement. Key findings reveal that children in the EFGBC are significantly neglected both spiritually and socially. The study highlights the necessity for a biblically grounded approach to children’s ministry, emphasizing evangelism, teaching, caring, proper discipline, and equipping children for ministry. The proposed strategies include enhanced parental involvement, structured teaching programs, and church-led initiatives aimed at the holistic development of children. The research methodology involved data collection through written interviews with 90 church leaders and members across five zones of Ethiopia. Analysis of this data, supported by relevant graphs and comparisons with biblical teachings, led to practical recommendations aimed at transforming the current state of children's ministry in the EFGBC. The study concludes that for the EFGBC to cultivate a godly generation and future leaders, it must prioritize children’s ministry, adhering to scriptural principles. This transformation requires concerted efforts from both church leadership and the wider believing community to ensure children are adequately evangelized, nurtured, disciplined, and equipped for future ministry. The mini-thesis thus serves as a vital resource for pastors, parents, and church leaders dedicated to the spiritual and social development of children within the Ethiopian Full Gospel Believer’s Church.
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    A Theological Evaluation of Views on Children and Childhood in the Ethiopian Full Gospel Believers’ Church, with Special Reference to the Gospel according to Luke
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg) Abera, Abay; Malherbe, Johannes S.; Grobbelaar, Jan
    The aim of this study was to explore, describe, and evaluate the common views about children and childhood among adult members of the Ethiopian Full Gospel Believers’ Church. The study addressed the following research question: What is the theological value and validity of common views about children and childhood among adult members of the EFGBC? The research question was answered by using four tasks of a Practical Theology research process as identified by Osmer, namely the descriptive, interpretive, normative and pragmatic tasks. The descriptive task was attended to, with the goal of answering the question, What is going on concerning children in the Ethiopian society and in the EFGBC? The research was done through literature study and a qualitative empirical investigation, using focus groups as data gathering method. The literature study investigated the views about children present in the Ethiopian society and the EFGBC by focusing on some of the popular Ethiopian idioms and stories regarding children, reports concerning children available in the public domain, official documents of the EFGBC, and the government constitution. This analysis showed that children are not getting enough protection, care and due respect because of the presence of underlying negative views about children and childhood in the Ethiopian society and the EFGBC. These findings were further investigated through different focus groups of leaders and members of selected local churches of the EFGBC in Addis Ababa. An analysis of the focus group data revealed that although parents, the church and the community at large accept children as gifts from God and there are good intentions to nurture them, children are not treated as they should be. They are not accepted as part of the believing community and valued as equal members. Moreover, children are not taken into consideration when the local churches and the denomination plan their annual budget and programs for the coming year, such as training, teaching and conferences. The interpretive task was accomplished by addressing the question, Why is it going on? More specifically, it investigated the reasons for the predominantly negative views of children and childhood found in the preceding chapters. The reasons found, include traditional beliefs and practices, lack of knowledge and insufficient integration of theology and practice. Other contributing factors include famine, war and conflict, corruption and inappropriate reporting by some child-based organizations. Responding to the latter, it was pointed out that a balance is needed between positive and negative information about children and how they are treated in Ethiopian society. The general finding remains that much more should be done to elevate the status of children and their ministry in the EFGBC. The normative task of this study was done through exegesis and analysis, selected passages from the Gospel of Luke concerning children were explored. A key perspective revealed by the study was the example set by Jesus, by welcoming and respecting children, caring for and ministering to them. From this study, theological perspectives were deduced which can guide the EFGBC in their ministry. The pragmatic task was addressed by formulating strategies to enhance the views of adult members of the EFGBC about children, their life and ministry in the light of the theological perspectives based on the Gospel of Luke’s view about children. The possible strategies identified were creating awareness about children, establishing a welcoming atmosphere for children in all the ministries of the local church, and teaching members to welcome, love, give care and protect children by following the example set by Jesus in the Gospel of Luke. Developing national strategies for the EFGBC should also get attention.
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    Practical Implications of 1 Corinthians 7:1-16 for Christian Married Couples in the Ethiopian Full Gospel Believer’s Church
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, South Africa) Abera, Abay; Taddesse, Esckinder; Smith, Kevin G.
    This mini-thesis aims to explore the marital issues addressed in 1 Corinthians 7:1-16 and apply the biblical teachings to the contemporary context of the Ethiopian Full Gospel Believer's Church (EFGBC). The research identifies the key marital problems within the Corinthian church and examines how Paul's instructions can inform and guide Christian married couples and church leaders in the EFGBC. The study begins with an introduction that outlines the background, aims, objectives, limitations, and methodology. It then provides guidelines for interpreting Pauline epistles, emphasizing the importance of understanding the nature of epistles, the principle of single meaning, and the context of the passage. The context of 1 Corinthians is examined, including its authorship, date and place of writing, occasion, purpose, structure, and themes. The thesis delves into a detailed analysis of 1 Corinthians 7:1-16, focusing on the boundaries, literary analysis, and synthesis of the passage. It identifies the arguments Paul presents to the married couples, the unmarried and widows, and those in mixed marriages (believers married to unbelievers). The study highlights Paul's call for mutual sexual relations within marriage, the importance of staying married, and the prohibition of divorce except in cases of abandonment by an unbelieving spouse. Through interviews with selected married couples and church leaders in the EFGBC, the thesis assesses the practical significance of Paul's teachings for addressing contemporary marital challenges. The study concludes with a summary of findings and recommendations for church leaders and married couples, emphasizing the need for regular counseling, education on biblical marital principles, and support for couples facing marital issues. The thesis contributes to the understanding of marital relationships within the context of the Ethiopian Full Gospel Believer's Church and provides practical strategies for enhancing marital intimacy and stability based on biblical teachings.
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