PhD Theses

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    Formação de Liderança Pastoral: Uma análise da Igreja Evangélica Holiness do Brasil
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg) Yahiro, Roberto Shinze 1968; Barro, Antônio C.
    A contextualized pastoral leadership is based on understanding the reality in which it is present and adapting the leadership in a practical way to meet the local-temporal reality. There is a need to seek a multidisciplinary ministerial vision and updated missional biblical interpretation. In the postmodern world, the formation of a pastoral leadership has very distinct needs from the beginning of the ministry of the CIEHB. The challenge, however, is not to lose the essence and, at the same time, to be relevant today. Thus, in a liquid society that is marked by the fluidity of social relations, the demand for training to influence and mobilize the skills of those being led is great. And, with great humility, pastoral leadership must foster the growth of members of their communities. The effective leader does not need to have all the answers, but that, in ministerial partnerships, one can motivate his collaborators to seek for answers to reach his goal of speaking and living the gospel to its fullest. In this sense, the ministry of the apostle Peter will be studied as a proposal for training and transforming pastoral practice in its context. Having theological knowledge without practice becomes sterile, on the other hand, practice without theological basis becomes dangerous and does not produce good fruit. In this work, a historical study was carried out of the implantation of the CIEHB in Brazilian soil, nuances of theological formation, struggles faced by being an ethnic church, some reports about the laity who were and are part of the pastoral ministry. It also dealt with the importance of pedagogy in the formation of the pastoral leadership of the CIEHB. Paulo Freire addresses the pedagogy of context and generating words, leading to the autonomy of human beings in their actions. Peter has its relevance for the history of engagement and overcoming, a simple man, but he became the leader of the first century Christians, so the apostle Peter can be seen as a model of pastoral leadership for the present day Holiness church. Peter still leaves the legacy in his epistles, writing to the dispersed pilgrims on a strange land. Finally, interviews were conducted using questionnaires and approaches from the researcher to the ministers of the CIEHB in order to deepen, understand and perceive paths for a direction of formation and support of the pastoral leadership of the Holiness Church of Brazil. Thus, a curriculum of pastoral leadership ministerial update and formation was proposed so that the CIEHB can understand the context in which it operates and how it can meet current needs more effectively.
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    El Perfil Teológico De La Formación Del Liderazgo Pastoralde las Asambleas De Dios En Guatemala: Un Análisis Relacionado Al Plan Básico De Educación Cristianaen Elinstituto Bíblico Central
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg) Escobar, Jorge López 1980; Van Engen, Charles E.
    No abstract provided
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    Toward Transformational Leadership Development in the Local Church: A Synthesis of Insights from Instructional Design, Adult Learning Theory, the New Testament, and Organizational Research
    (South African Theological Seminary) Watson, Elbert Elliott; Smith, Kevin G.; Brewer, Monroe
    In recent years, the concept of church-based leadership training has gained momentum in various parts of the world, including South Africa. The emergence of new leader-intensive ministry models such as the cell church, along with the costs, complexities, and contextual issues associated with theological studies at an established tertiary institution, has motivated many churches to explore alternatives to traditional leadership training methods. Among these is church-based leadership training. Though the local church would seem to be an ideal environment for the development of leaders, many church-based training efforts rely primarily upon traditional ‘schooling’ approaches to develop leaders, with less than transformational results. In an effort to assist South African churches to create their own transformational approaches to leadership development, this project researched theoretical perspectives and practices in instructional design and adult learning, leadership development in the New Testament, and contemporary models and ‘best practices’ in both church-based and organizational leader development, all with a view toward the identification of elements fundamental to the design of transformational church-based leadership development strategies and the creation of a set of ‘recommended practices’ to guide church leaders in the design process. Findings from the various areas of research yielded surprisingly consistent results, giving credence to the leadership development approaches utilized by the Lord Jesus and the apostle Paul. A synthesis of the research identified at least seven elements that contribute significantly toward the transformational development of ministry leaders in the local church. This, combined with specific insights gleaned from the various fields, engendered the formulation of a set of recommended practices, supplemented by a systematic design guide, providing local churches with a research-backed approach to the design of their own transformational processes of leadership development.
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