MTh Theses

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    Mission in Creative Tension: Paradigm Shifts in Relationship to Church and Mission
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, South Africa) Lockard, Anna-Marie; Vermeullen, Pieter
    SUMMARY: The focus of this thesis was to identify and examine the reasons for a paradigm shift in relationship to the Church in mission and to recommend ways in which this tension between Church and mission can be used creatively to further the work of Christ in the 21st century. Through the lens of the missio Dei, this thesis examined the theology and history of mission in order to introduce the theological, missiological, and contextual crises of mission organisations. Arguments of major theologian/missiologists were given as they pertained to the Old Testament book of Jonah, particularly, with regards to a biblical concept of mission. In addition, the incarnational model from the New Testament formed a background to posit that mission is not a grand human enterprise, but rather a creative partnership with Christ and His Church to do mission His way. This thesis culminates with a clarion call to the church to formulate a biblical-holistic concept of mission based on the incarnation. It must seek an understanding that God has gone before us in mission and the church exists for His mission. Mission is to be carried out by the whole church for the whole world (panta ta ethne). The church must be viewed as an instrument of God’s mission.To unite the relationship between church and mission will require an interdisciplinary approach with church, mission entities, and theological institutions working in harmony and creative partnership to accomplish the biblical goals of the missio Dei. The great task of the church for mission is to align itself with the incarnational mission of Jesus Christ.
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    De Essentie van Missionaire Vorming van Zendelingen van de Vergadering van Gelovigen bij de Zendingsopdracht
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, South Africa) Tanck, Patrick; Jabini, Franklin
    Samenvatting: In dit onderzoek zijn zendelingen van de Vergadering van Gelovigen ondervraagd die via de Stichting Nehemia (financieel) ondersteund worden. De ervaringen omtrent remmende en ondersteunende onderwijs-en trainingsfactoren tijdens de voorbereiding van hun zendingsopdracht staan daarbij centraal. Dit heeft geleid tot het geven van aanbevelingen en good practices. Bovenstaande is vervat in de volgende centrale vraagstelling:In hoeverre heeft missionaire vorming door onderwijs en of training van Nederlandse zendelingen van de Vergadering van Gelovigen, uitgezonden buiten Nederland en die via de stichting Nehemia (financieel) ondersteund worden, invloed op de zendingsopdracht in het zendingsland?Het onderzoek maakt gebruik van een kwalitatieve onderzoeksbenadering. Het gebruikte onderzoeksmodel is het LIM-model.Volgens degebruikte onderzoeksvraag is in dit type onderzoek een casestudy de meest geschiktekwalitatieve onderzoeksstrategie. Intotaal hebben 36 zendelingen een enquête ingeleverd. Daarnaasthebben achtmensen meegedaan aan een bijeenkomst van een zendelingenretraite.Er spelen verschillende factoren mee omtrent de invloed van missionaire vorming door middel van onderwijs en training. Geconcludeerd kan worden dat een gedegen training voor het uitzenden en begeleiding op het werkveld als zeer essentieelwordenervaren om mogelijke aanpassingsproblemen en andere problemen te verminderen. Wel moet gezegd worden dat niet alles afhangt van missionaire trainingen en onderwijs. Het belangrijkste aspect blijft het contact met de Opdrachtgever om op die manier in gehoorzaamheid een (kleine) bijdrage te mogen leveren aan Zijn zendingswerk. (English translation) Summary: For this research missionaries of the Assembly who are financially supported through the Dutch Foundation Nehemia were questioned. The main topic was: How did the missionaries experience hindrances and supporting factors while educated and trained in preparation for their mission assignment? These results were used for recommendations and good assignments.The research question of this study is:To what extent were the missionaries of the Assembly fully supported by the Dutch Foundation Nehemia; and, having been formed through education and training have an impact on the mission assignment in the country of mission?The study used a qualitative research approach. The research model used is the LIM model. The research question used in this study refers to a case study as the most appropriate qualitative research strategy. A total of 36 missionaries returned the survey and eight people participated in a missionary retreat meeting.There are several factors which influence the forming of a missionary through education and training. It can be concluded that the missionaries training in the home country is very essential to reduce the process of adjustment or other problems. However, not everything depends on their training and education. In contrast, the most important aspect of the preparation is the contact with and obedience to God, the Great Commissioner, to enhance a small contribution to God's missionary work.
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    An Evangelical Contextual Missiological Approach to Mission Praxis in Africa: An Indigenous South African Perspective (1950 -2005).
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, South Africa) Tsehle, Andries Ramohlakore; Song, Arthur; Song, Arthur
    SUMMARY: The gospel of Jesus has been widely and joyfully received by many indigenous South Africans. Yet there is without doubt a huge need for most indigenous South Africans to hear the gospel and apply it in a mannercongruenttotheircontext-specific issues. To this very day, many scholars are still seeking to apply the objective Word of God within their subjective cross-cultural mission contexts. Hence it is the subject of this thesis to discover the theological journey travelled by many concerned African theologians and clergy men who strived to contextualized the eternal gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in their dynamic contexts. For example, theologies such as the Black Liberation Theology, African Indigenous Theology, and Contextual Theology emerged out of concern from the indigenous South African Christians who longed for a God who directly speaks to them at their point of need without the trimmings of Western cultural and contextual paraphernalia. But these theological attempts to contextualize the gospel have been marked by many difficulties,complexities and dangers. Therefore, this thesis seeks to systematically make sense of the question of contextualization of the gospel as it relates to the indigenous South Africans (i.e. from 1950 to 2005). The view taken by this thesis is that it is both necessary and possible to contextualize the gospel among the indigenous South Africans (or any indigenous groups of people around the world) without betraying the eternal Word of Truth. Thus, this is an attempt to formulate a sound, Biblically based, evangelical contextual mission praxis in Africa from an indigenous South African’s view.
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    La Teología de la Misión de C. René Padilla Frente a las Críticas de José Míguez Bonino y Ricardo Gondim
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, South Africa) Soares, Amorim Joao Paulo; Roldán, Alberto F.
    En esta tesis, el objeto de estudio es laTeología de la Misión, una teología que busca interrelacionar tres áreas relacionadas a la misión: la Palabra (texto), la Iglesia (comunidad de fe) y el Mundo (contexto de la misión).Entre los protagonistas de esta teologíanosotros podemos destacar a C.René Padilla. Padilla es uno de los más importantes teólogos evangélicos latinoamericanos. Es protestante evangélico, forma parte de la generación de pensadores provenientes de las denominaciones tradicionales como de las iglesias independientes y que se agruparon en la Fraternidad Teológica Latinoamericana. Su forma de teologizar se originó en la inconformidad con las fórmulas teológicas espiritualizadas que se habían venido utilizando por décadas en el continente y que frecuentemente ignoraban a las situaciones de miseria, empobrecimiento, corrupción, indignidad, exclusión e injusticia de nuestras sociedades. De esta manera de hacer teología nace la teología de la misión Integral (TMI), originada principalmente de las reflexiones del teólogo René Padilla, de Pedro Arana y Samuel Escobar, en las décadas de los años 50 y 60. Estas reflexiones fueron presentadas en los CLADEs, Congresos Latinoamericanos de Evangelización, realizados en Bogotá -Colombia (1969), Huampaní -Perú (1979), Quito -Ecuador (1992 y 2000).La Teología de la Misión Integral elaborada por C. René Padilla es bíblica y contextual y puede ser dividida en cuatro temas: 1) Reino de Dios, 2) Cristología, 3) Misión Integral,y 4) Eclesiología en vinculación al Reino. El primer tema,sobre el Reino de Dios, es un tema que al ser anunciado por Jesús,no se refería tan solo alaeminenciade este Reino, sino que también a lallegada de una nueva realidad que ya se empezabaa realizaren el medio del pueblo por medio de Su persona. En el segundo tema sobre la Cristología, seperciben los defectos de la cristologíalatinoamericana en relación a la manifestación del “Totus Christus”, del Cristo completo, muchas veces ignorado por la actual cristología católica y evangélica latinoamericanas. En el tercer tema sobre la misión integral, se declara que la evangelización va mucho más allá de salvación de almas, que se debe preocupar porel hombre completo, pues este no es solo un hombre espiritual, sino que también es social, psicológico e intelectual. En esta tarea de cumplir con el anuncio del evangelio, la iglesia toma un rol profético, que lucha por la justicia social, derechos humanos, preservación de la naturaleza como creación de Dios y muchos otros factores. En el cuarto tema sobre la Eclesiología en vinculación al Reino, se ve una discusión sobre el uso o no delas ciencias sociales en la teología,o si solo se debe ejercer el compromiso cristiano. La "Teología de la Liberación" es una teología que trabaja con las ciencias sociales y no deja de asumir su postura social que en la mayoría de las veces es socialista y la “Teología de la Misión Integral” también denuncia la postura capitalista dominadapor los Estados Unidos, perotoma una postura neutral,y prefiere ejercer su rol profético a través del compromiso cristiano.Esta teología de la misión, a través de sus principales temas, será expuesta a las críticas de José Míguez Bonino y Ricardo Rodrigues Gondim. José Míguez Bonino criticaa la temática del Reino de Dios declarada por RenéPadilla cuando este dice que la única dimensión de acción del Reino de Dios en la tierra es la Iglesia, dejando de observar las otras dimensiones que tambiénpueden servir como campos de actuación del Reino de Dios. Esta acción lleva a una postura eclesiocéntrica, una postura muy peligrosaque ha dificultado la acción eclesiástica pautada en la verdad. Míguez Bonino también critica a la cristología evangélica que, en reacción al liberalismo, ha dejado de anunciar la humanidad de Cristo, preocupándose tan solo con el anuncio del Cristo Glorioso. En virtud de eso, la Cristología manifestada por la TMI es una cristología que sirve como paradigma para presentar el Cristo completo a este hombre.El último tema criticado por Míguez Bonino es la Eclesiología en vinculación al Reino. Míguez Bonino defendía la iglesia unida, pero ve este intento interrumpido después de la creación de una nueva organización teológica “más evangélica” llamada Fraternidad Teológica Latinoamericana.A pesar de las diferencias, Padilla defiende que ha sido una bendición la creación deesta organización, pues la misma ha difundido la misión integral por todo el mundo. Ricardo Gondim critica específicamentea la Misión Integral, en el sentido del difícil equilibrioentre la evangelización y la acción social, y también delchoque entre los evangélicos delnorte y los evangelicales delsur, donde unodiceque la evangelización prioriza tan solo a las almas,y el otro afirma que la evangelización prioriza alhombre como untodo.Ricardo Gondim también señala cierto miedo de algunos evangelicales del sur sobre el facto de tener una ciertapostura ecuménica en ciertos momentos, preconcepto temido por lagran mayoría de los evangelicales delsur.Así mismo, aunque después de estas críticas, defendemos la validez de la vigencia de esta teologíade la misión, percibiendo las cualidades y los defectos, buscando señalar algunos cambios, con el fin de tener una mejor actuación en los campos del Señor. Palabras claves: Teología de la Misión, Reino de Dios, Cristología, Misión Integral, Eclesiología en vinculación al Reino.
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    Children in Crisis: Imperatives and Strategies for the Church in South Africa
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, South Africa) van Rensburg, Beverley Anne; Smith, Kevin G.; Smith, Kevin G.
    Abstract: This thesis dealt specifically with the topic of children in crisis from a global and then a South African perspective. Child care, or the lack thereof, was considered from a holistic perspective. The research evidenced that many children are in crisis, mainly because of neglect and abuse. These two problems clearly affect the child’s physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being. The writer proposes that concentration on neglect and abuse, especially if the proposed remedies are implemented, should positively affect the other areas of the child’s life.The primary objective of this thesis was to see how the church could intervene to alleviate the crisis in which many children find themselves in South Africa. Having exegeted relevant biblical passages, the writer presents several imperatives, including changing the perception of adults about children to give priority to their spiritual nurture, as well as addressing their other needs in a holistic manner, the importance of the father-heart of God as reflected in the parental care of children, and the overt training of parents and children in biblical principles by the church, especially in terms of the omission of teachings on sexual purity. The church is challenged to implement strategies to meet the needs of children in crisis in a practical manner. Strategies for healing are suggested and models of godly interventions making a difference in the lives of marginalized children are presented. The role of the Holy Spirit as healer is emphasised. After concluding that the root cause of the neglect and abuse is the selfish, sinful practices of those who are supposed to be nurturing children, the writer believes that only a changed life, where Jesus is the Lord of one’s life, can really make a profound difference in our handling of cases of child neglect and abuse.
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    Islam and Christianity: A Comparative Missiological Analysis
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, South Africa) Harris, Randy Thomas; Song, Arthur
    SUMMARY: The continual rise and influence of Islam around the world is cause for Christians of every nation to better equip themselves for the glorious task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace to their Muslim neighbors. This mini-thesis seeks to strengthen believers in their understanding of and witness to the Muslims with whom they will be increasingly interacting on a daily basis regardless of where they find themselves in the world. A host of comparisons between Christianity and Islam are offered to identify how radically the essential content of each religion contrasts. These stark differences in the central figure, origins, expansion, texts, Divine Being, humanity, salvation and practice give rise to radically different motives and methods for expansion. An analysis of how Islam is currently operating and growing globally is then presented to ground the aforementioned historical and theological investigation into the present realities of a sampling of nations. After identifying the heart of Islamic doctrine, practice and modern methodology for global dominance, the terms of engagement for communicating the gospel to Muslims become more clear and urgent. The intent of this thesis is then to inspire and equip Christ-centered, faith-filled, and Spirit-filled Christians of every nation to boldly, competently, and lovingly share the gospel with Muslims.
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    Global Christianity: Trends in Mission and the Relationship with Non-Western Missionaries Working Cross-Culturally in Thailand
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, South Africa) Charles, Joseph Paul; Jabini, Franklin
    The church in the West, in the modern era of missions, has played the lead role in sending out missionaries and working cross-culturally. At the same time, growth of Christianity in the West has been showing a steady decline, which will have a major impact in the numbers of missionaries coming from the West in the future. The purpose of this study was three-fold. The first purpose was to document the growth of the church in non-western countries compared to the decline of the church in western countries. This includes the reality that more missionaries from non-western regions of the world (and non-traditionally missionary sending countries in the west) are starting to work cross-culturally in missions. The second purpose was to determine how mission organizations were adapting to the changes in global Christianity. The third purpose of this study focused on the growth of the church in Thailand, including the contributions and challenges of non-western missionaries in cross-cultural missions, specifically those working in Thailand. The proposed study attempted to find answers to the new trends in global missions. In the research mission organizations and non-western workers, especially those working in Thailand was contacted and interviewed to determine the situation application. They were encouraged to share their personal experiences in relation to the contributions and challenges that they faced. A biblical and theological perspectives investigation was also undertaken to establish how such have had an influence on the non-western missionaries’ work in Thailand. The changes in global Christianity were found had a limited influence how the majority of mission organizations function, as well as the increase of non-missionaries working cross culturally. Evidence suggested that non-western missionaries working cross culturally had little support from individuals and churches in their sending countries. Most non-western missionaries in Thailand still experienced a rewarding ministry regardless of challenges they experienced. Recommendations at the end of the research were made, to assisted mission organizations and non-western missionaries in identifying the needs created in global Christianity today as well as identifying ways to address these issues.
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    Identification of Problems and Possible Solutions in Communicating the Gospel to the Saramaccan Maroons of the Upper Suriname River
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, South Africa) Harry, Kervin Codric; Jabini, Franklin
    ABSTRACT: The Republic of Suriname is one of the most culturally diverse countries on the continent of South America, situated on the North Eastern coast of South America. It possesses culturally rich districts and is a country that is very proud country of its heritage. There are nine Maroon tribes, who are descendants of African slaves who ran away from the plantations after being taken away from Africa during the slave-trading era. The Maroons have preserved their traditional way of life,and are fully engaged in the socio-economic development of the Republic of Suriname;in particular, it’s interior. The Saramaccan Maroons are at a spiritual crossroads. This thesis looks at “The Problems and Possible Solutions in Communicating the Gospel to the Saramaccan People of the Upper Suriname River.” This thesis will discuss the problems faced by missionaries. Among other things,this thesis will research some of the practices used by missionaries, in view of the beliefs and cultural practices of the Maroons’ society. It will suggest ways in which the gospel can be communicated effectively to the Saramaccan Maroons. The thesis looks at the local Churches and their role in working amongst the Saramaccan Maroons and considers the role of Christian workers amongst Maroons. The thesis considers the place of a theology of mission in the modern approach to communicating the gospel to the Saramaccan Maroons. The thesis addresses the issues of adequate spiritual, linguistic, and cultural preparation for missionaries, and argues that, with appropriate strategies, foreign missionaries can indeed play a part, alongside local missionaries in the task of gospel proclamation.
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    Sustained church planting as a primary means of fulfilling the Great Commission, with special reference to New Covenant Ministries International
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, South Africa) Black, Malcolm McPherson; Peppler, Christopher; Peppler, Christopher
    This study examines the Biblical pattern for church planting as a primary means of fulfilling the Great Commission. David Bosch (1980:184) once said: “ is not true that there is a mission because there is a Church; rather, there is Church because there is a mission”. In essence, the primary mission of the Church is to ‘preach the Gospel to all nations’ by planting vibrant churches. Jesus’ ministry reveals a clear pattern for the training of disciples. Part of that training included a pattern for Church Planting. By observing the ministry of the early apostles, there is clear evidence that they adopted this pattern by planting churches wherever the Gospel was proclaimed. By studying several Christian movements from the eighteenth century to the present day, it is clear that by following similar patterns, they were very effective in fulfilling the Great Commission. The thesis also examines how these movements often lost their initial effectiveness by the second generation. By drifting from their initial focus on the Word and the Spirit, they succumbed to a number of influences which robbed them of their initial effectiveness. In essence, they became institutional, bureaucratic, over organisational, professional and traditional, resulting in the loss of their initial vision and desire to reach the nations with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.Included in this thesis is the study of a current apostolic movement, New Covenant Ministries International (NCMI). The study is used as an example of a movement using the biblical pattern. The thesis demonstrates the effectiveness of the biblical pattern and examines what NCMI has put in place to avoid repeating the mistakes of previous movements. Finally, the thesis shows that when the principles and pattern laid out in God’s Word with regard to the nature, calling and mission of the Church are adhered to, the movement has been effective, not only in the proclamation of the Gospel, but in establishing healthy churches that in turn continue with Jesus' command to take His Gospel to all the world.
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    Communicating the Good News in China Today: Realistic Expectations for Foreign Believers
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg) Anderson, Peter Stafford; Song, Arthur; Song, Arthur
    China is experiencing breath-taking economic development and social change, and the Chinese people are at a spiritual crossroads. This thesis looks at Christianity in China and asks, “Can foreign believers play any part in sharing the good news in mainland China today?” Laying the groundwork the thesis looks at the Marxist view of religion and outlines official religious policy. Some of the lessons of history are highlighted – from the Nestorians in the Tang dynasty, to Jesuits in the Ming and Qing and Protestants in the 19th and 20th centuries. The thesis looks at the Chinese Church (in all her forms) and there is also a detailed consideration of the role of Christian foreigners. The thesis considers the place of ordinary believers, both in Scripture and in the modern “tentmaker” movement, in building God’s Kingdom in a hostile world. The major philosophies that have shaped the Chinese worldview (Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism and Communism) are discussed before there is an examination of how various sectors in Chinese society view Christianity. This thesis aims to demonstrate that, with adequate spiritual, linguistic, and cultural preparation, and with appropriate strategies, foreign believers can indeed play a part, alongside the Chinese Church, in the task of gospel proclamation.
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