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    Los Estilosy Competenciasde Liderazgo en el Capítulo15 del Libro de los Hechos para el Contexto de la Segunda Década del Siglo XXI en España
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, South Africa) Barrachina Palau, Maria Rosa; Saracco, Norberto
    This study seeks to investigate leadership in the evangelical church in Spain and Europe.Today we are living through important social, religious and political changes. The management and administration of church leadership by those fishermen in the times of Jesus is totally different than what we see in Spain, Europe and the world.An important crisis exists in the midst of the leadership in the evangelical church. However, with the fifteenth chapter of the Book of Acts as a theoretical and practical framework, we will study the different styles, bases and strengths of leadership, which will serve as a framework to respond to the problems, challenges and opportunities of today’s church leadership.As we investigate leadership, we will begin with the history of Spanish Protestantism. The XIX Century was a difficult time, since Spain was isolated due to its lack of freedom and obscurantism. From there, we will highlight some of the prominent leaders, men and women who, due to their attributes and leadership style, will have some correlation to the 6 character and competencies to those found in the Book of Acts. These leaders fought against all hope of freedom in Spain. Thankfully because of them, we can now enjoy the freedom that they were never able to experience. Lastly, after analyzing the styles of how the administration and management of leadership of the XXI century should be; since they are not functional in the modern world, we will evaluate the traditional approaches to leadership. A thorough analysis of reports, interviews, lectures, and forums attended, plus national and international conferences, will allow us to identify the fundamental characteristics and competencies that an evangelical leader of the XXI century needs. A special emphasis is placed on the second decade of the XXI century, since covering the whole century is risky given the fact that each decade has its unique needs, risks and opportunities in the rapidly changing world in which we live.
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    Towards an Integration of the Nuba Tira Traditional Spiritual Leadership with the Biblical Leadership Principles of Nehemiah
    (South African Theological Seminary Johannesburg, South Africa) Angalo Alu, Fajak Avajani; Turaki, Yusufu
    This study is an integration of the Tira traditional spiritual leadership with Christianity by biblical application of the leadership principles of Nehemiah. This integration provides an integral tool for church leaders to use as they seek to relate Christianity to the traditional spiritual and political leaders of the Tira communities in Sudan. The integration of the Tira traditional spiritual leadership with that of Christianity was made possible by this research. Integration became necessary because both the traditional spiritual leadership and the religious system have profound influence upon the Tira Christians. The Tira traditional understanding of supernatural spiritual beings as the true representatives of God for the Tira people was found to hold the Tira communities in bondage and darkness as explained by the Bible. The barrier to the success of the mission of the church in Tira communities was actually the Tira traditional spiritual leadership. In Chapter 1, the historical background of the Nuba Tira was examined. Two books about the history of Sudan were valuable resources. Eratosthenes’ textbook from 200 B.C. gave a historical description of the word “Nuba” and how the term was used by different people to describe the black Sudanese. Another source that was used in this background study was a book written in 1819 by a Swiss explorer, Johann Ludwig Burckhardt, in which he defined the word “Nuba” as a term that denotes the black people of Sudan. In Chapter 2, the researcher used the method of faceEtoEface interviews with selected clan traditional spiritual leaders to find out the mechanism behind the traditional organization of the Tira, their religious worldview and their theological concepts that are represented by spiritual symbols. In Chapter 3, the research materials and data came from faceEtoEface interviews with the selected traditional spiritual leaders who were in charge of both spiritual and political affairs of their communities. 8Chapter 4 gave a brief Christian background in Tira land. Some select church elders who were around when the Western missionaries of the Sudan United Mission attempted to evangelize the Tira communities were interviewed. The other sources of information were the two books written by missionaries who worked among the Nuba tribes and other mission booklets and articles. Chapters 5 and 6 dealt with the exegetical study of Nehemiah’s leadership principles. The major source materials were the commentaries on the book of Nehemiah: Clinton 2003 and Hedges 2005. Additional materials on leadership were also used. The integration of Nehemiah’s leadership principles with the seven foundational traditional values of the Tira beliefs was the primary objective of the research. This thesis shows how it could be done by using both biblical and traditional principles.
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